Seeking God’s Perfect Wisdom – EP20 (James 1:5-6)
James 1:5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

About Karen
Karen McBee and her husband, Dwight, have two beautiful daughters, Siena, who is in elementary school, and Maya, who is a young teenager.
Seeking God's wisdom
Hello ladies and welcome back to the Moms for Christs Podcast. This is Karen and I am really looking forward to sharing what the Lord has been teaching me over the past few weeks regarding His perfect wisdom. Turn to James chapter 1 verses 5 and 6. It says “if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” The word of God is full of the Lord's wisdom and is unlike any knowledge that we can receive from the world. Even getting advice from some of the most intelligent and scholarly people, still lacks in comparison to the wisdom that we receive from our almighty God. Usually when someone is seeking knowledge or advice from another, whether it's a doctor a professor or even a friend, it's because you trust that person and you give value to their opinion on what they have to say. As Christians, we know that the foolishness of God is wiser than any human wisdom and we shouldn't just look to the internet or simply a man for wisdom but we should always seek the Lord first in all that we do.
" ...the foolishness of God is wiser than any human wisdom..."This reminds me of a situation that my family has been in recently with my young daughter Siena who most of you know has a neurological disorder called Rett syndrome and at this time she's in need of a surgery to help correct the deformity in her right leg. Now of course as parents we always want what's best for our children so when we heard this we started looking for a surgeon and immediately went to one of the nation's leading children's hospitals in our area. We made an appointment with the specialists and we discussed our options, basically which included a lengthy complicated procedure that would keep Siena off of her feet for almost 6 weeks. So we went home and we were praying about what to do, but we didn't feel quite right. Something in our spirit was just not right, so we continued to seek the Lord and waited to schedule the surgery. A few days later, someone very close to us suggested bringing her for a second opinion at another hospital in the area, and while that hospital wasn't considered as prestigious as the first, we figured we'd give it a try. Well long story short, Sienna will be receiving surgery within the next few weeks but this hospital is able to do a much less invasive procedure and she will be back on our feet the next day! If we would have just relied on the recommendations from our doctor or from the great reputation of the first hospital and we hadn't gotten on our knees and really sought the Lord and his wisdom, then we really would have missed it and we wouldn't have found the right plan that the Lord had for Siena.
"It's so important that we teach and show our children that seeking after the wisdom of God is invaluable!"
It's so important that we teach and show our children that seeking after the wisdom of God is invaluable! Not only does God give His wisdom to us generously, as the scripture says, but He does so without finding fault. Actually, He would much rather us ask Him then to try to do things our own way or from seeking the advice from the internet or from another man. Most importantly, we must not doubt Him, for He is faithful. Amen! I’m just going to pray with you guys and just thank the Lord for his awesome wisdom! Father, we just bless you this morning God. We thank you so much God, for just allowing us to know you God, and have access God, to your wisdom God, your almighty power Father. Lord there is none like you God, and we just thank you this day God that you've allowed each and every one of us God to come into your family God, to seek out after your wisdom God and your knowledge Lord that is invaluable God. That nothing in the world compares Father. We just ask this day Lord, that in all things Father that we would seek you first God, with all of our heart God. That Father, we would just be obedient in how you lead us God to move Father. That ultimately God, that your name be glorified Father! We ask all these things in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! Be blessed ladies!