Building Perseverance Through Christ – EP10 (James 1:2- 4)
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

About Karen
Karen McBee and her husband, Dwight, have two beautiful daughters, Siena, who is in elementary school, and Maya, who is a young teenager.
Karen's Full Bio
Moms for Christ
"We must let God be God"Hello ladies and welcome back to the Moms for Christ Podcast. This week the Lord gave me this verse from James chapter one verses two through four and it says “consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” One of the hardest things that we have to do as parents is watch our kids struggle and go through trials. The first thing we want to do is go in and rescue them and make it all better. That reminds me of when they were little and they would fall and scrape their knee and they would come running to mommy to kiss it and make it all better.
Persevering in faithOver the past few days I've had to watch one of my children go through a tough time. In my flesh, I wanted to jump in and fix it. As our children are growing we must be led by the Holy Spirit in every situation and what I mean by this is that we cannot just jump in and intervene every time our child is struggling and go rescue them. We must let God be God! He is the mighty deliver and if we want our children to grow in their relationship with Christ then they must learn to cry out for Him and not us. We can comfort them and move how the Holy Spirit leads us, but like the scripture says we want that testing in their lives to produce perseverance so that they will be mature and complete, not lacking anything! They will come to understand their need for Christ and continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior. And what more could we ask for as parents.
persevering in faith
"....that the trials and tribulations they go through now, are only to prepare them for their journey here on earth"I just thank the Lord that He is teaching our children, even in the tough times, that they can grow up knowing that the trials and tribulations they go through now, are only to prepare them for their journey here on earth. Glorifying His name and ultimately having eternal life with Him. Father I just praise you so much God. I thank you Lord that Father, our children don't have to grow up hopeless Lord God. Father that you are their living hope God, that even in the tough times God they can cry out to you Lord, they can rely on you and your Spirit to get them through God and I know that when they remain in you Father they will be victorious and that these trials will build perseverance making them fully mature and complete in you. We just thank you for your wisdom and for your knowledge God and for your mighty word that teaches us Lord God, and we pray that we would put your word into action this day raising our children in Christ. We bless you, we love you, and we praise you in Jesus mighty name, Amen!