We Will Serve the Lord -EP07

Pastor Jeffrey BrandtOne Thing Audio, Pastors Corner

Joshua 24:15
"...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

We will serve the LordHello and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast. I want to share with you today a scripture that is so key for us to grasp and understand. God calls us to do many things and He calls us into His will, but there are really some foundational things that we can take in our hearts to really fulfill what He’s calling us to do in our lives for His kingdom and His glory, and I believe it’s found in this verse.

"What does it mean to serve the Lord?"
It simply says, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The most important part as we look at this is the decision made, the heart that is set on serving the Lord. What does it mean to serve the lord? A lot of times we quickly think of things that we’re doing on the outside, maybe service in the church, maybe service that we’re helping people, whatever it may be. It’s not that those things are not involved, but they are only a result of the heart of the matter. See, to serve God is much more than just an outside thing, but it’s really entering into a lifetime service of God, a service to God in which the Lord Jesus is the Lord of our lives, and we give Him full reign and full rulership over our hearts, over our minds, our decisions.

"As you have chosen to stand with God, now he gives you power to also influence those in your very own household..."
Everything that we do is completely in control and laid at His feet. Now it’s this very practice in our life that solidifies our relationship with God. Then, and only then, God begins to pour out His power and His anointing in our lives, not only to stand strong for Him, but to even influence others, meaning, as for me and now my household—those who live with me, those who are around me, my brothers, my sister, my wife—it may be your husband, your son, your daughters, your roommates, whoever it may be. As you have chosen to stand with God, now he gives you power to also influence those in your very own household, that you would not stop until he is declared Lord in every crevice of your household, every room, in every place.

This is what it truly means to serve the Lord. As we practice this in our own life, it begins to pour out in every person around us, and it really becomes a powerful influence that causes transformation. So, I’m praying today that we would grasp this. This is a key thing to living as a Christian—that God would take the rightful place in our hearts, in our lives, in our minds, and in everything.

As He stands as the ruler, as the one and only Lord, as He takes His true place, we are able to walk as conquerors, also bringing others from the powers of Hell, from the clutches of darkness, from the rulership of Satan, into the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We will serve the Lord!
May you be blessed today! May you take hold! May you stand before your God, and as you look unto Him, may you declare Him as the king of your life! May you begin to practice it as never before, walking in the fullness of Him ruling and reigning over your life, that he would draw you in to have such a powerful relationship with Him! And may you bless, and may you be a blessing to those in your household as you draw them into the service and the presence of the Living God. Amen and amen!

Joshua 24:15 ...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

I want to share with you today a scripture that is so key for us to grasp and understand. God calls us to do many things and He calls us into His will, but there are really some foundational things that we can take in our hearts to really fulfill what He’s calling us to do in our lives for his kingdom and his glory, and I believe it’s found in this verse.

It simply says, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” The most important part as we look at this is the decision made, the heart that is set on serving the Lord. What does it mean to serve the lord? A lot of times we quickly think of things that we’re doing on the outside, maybe service in the church, maybe service that we’re helping people, whatever it may be. It’s not that those things are not involved, but they are only a result of the heart of the matter. See, to serve God is much more than just an outside thing, but it’s really entering into a lifetime service of God, a service to God in which the Lord Jesus is the Lord of our lives, and we give Him full reign and full rulership over our hearts, over our minds, our decisions.

Everything that we do is completely in control and laid at His feet. Now it’s this very practice in our life that solidifies our relationship with God. Then, and only then, God begins to pour out His power and His anointing in our lives, not only to stand strong for Him, but to even influence others, meaning, as for me and now my household—those who live with me, those who are around me, my brothers, my sister, my wife—it may be your husband, your son, your daughters, your roommates, whoever it may be. As you have chosen to stand with God, now he gives you power to also influence those in your very own household, that you would not stop until he is declared Lord in every crevice of your household, every room, in every place.

This is what it truly means to serve the Lord. As we practice this in our own life, it begins to pour out in every person around us, and it really becomes a powerful influence that causes transformation. So, I’m praying today that we would grasp this. This is a key thing to living as a Christian—that God would take the rightful place in our hearts, in our lives, in our minds, and in everything.

As He stands as the ruler, as the one and only Lord, as He takes His true place, we are able to walk as conquerors, also bringing others from the powers of Hell, from the clutches of darkness, from the rulership of Satan, into the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May you be blessed today! May you take hold! May you stand before your God, and as you look unto Him, may you declare Him as the king of your life! May you begin to practice it as never before, walking in the fullness of Him ruling and reigning over your life, that he would draw you in to have such a powerful relationship with Him! And may you bless, and may you be a blessing to those in your household as you draw them into the service and the presence of the Living God. Amen and amen!