Valuing Your Inheritance – EP86 (Gen. 25:32-33)
Genesis 25:32-33
“Look, I am about to die,” Esau said. “What good is the birthright to me?” But Jacob said, “Swear to me first.” So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
Hi everyone. It's Tania and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. A Word that I’ve thought about for some time comes from Genesis chapter 25 verses 32 to 33. And it says, “‘Look, [I’m] about to die,’ Esau said. ‘What good is the birthright to me?’ But Jacob said, ‘Swear to me first.’ So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.”
This story takes place between twin brothers Jacob and Esau - Esau being the firstborn, therefore being the one entitled to the birthright. After an exhausting time in the field, Esau, smelling the aroma of the stew his brother was making, asked his brother Jacob for some. Jacob refused to give Esau some of his stew unless Esau agreed to sell his birthright.
I remember the first time I read this story, it didn't make sense. Selling your birthright for soup? During that time period a birthright was a big deal. Having a birthright meant that after your father passes away, you will take over as head of the family. You receive double the inheritance. It is also said according to Jewish tradition, the firstborn offered sacrifices before the tabernacle was set up.
" many times have I looked at my own temporary needs instead of looking at the things that are eternal?"When I look at the lasting prestige and honor given to the firstborn, it's hard to imagine giving all of that up - for a temporary bowl of soup? I have to stop and ask, how many times have I looked at my own temporary needs instead of looking at the things that are eternal? What would have happened if Esau valued his inheritance above his physical needs?
Unfortunately there are places in my life where I’ve put my physical needs above my spiritual needs. The times in my life when God was telling me to do something, instead I chose to do what was comfortable - when I do this I give my comfort value above God's commands - selling my inheritance to His Kingdom.
My kids are always trading their candy. Kyle does not like chocolate, but he does like gummy candy. My girls like all candy, but they love chocolate. The girls are always willing to trade their gummies for Kyle's chocolate. On the other hand, if I came over looking to trade my delicious Brussels sprouts for some of their chocolate, I wouldn't have a deal. My girls wouldn’t trade their chocolate for Brussels sprouts because for them, that chocolate is valuable. They are not willing to give it up for something of lesser, or in some cases, no value.
"The value of being in God's Kingdom is greater than anything this life has to offer."Chocolate can never compare to the rich inheritance God has given us. I want my kids to hold tight to the gift God has given us in giving us His Son. God calls us to be children in His Kingdom. In Galatians chapter 4 verse 7 it says, “So you are no longer a slave, but God's child; and since you are His child, God has made you also an heir.” The value of being in God's Kingdom is greater than anything this life has to offer.
Lord, thank You for Your amazing grace in our lives. Thank You for calling us to Your wonderful Kingdom. I pray that we would walk every day holding onto Your promises. I pray that we would place value in knowing and serving You high above our own fleeting desires. Lord, I pray that our children and the people around us would see You and the value that You have in our lives by our refusal to do anything that would compromise Your Kingdom. Amen. God bless and have a wonderful week, I will speak to you again soon.