The Year of the Lord’s Favor
Jessica Santiago Burke
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Isaiah 61:1-2 (NIV)
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,
Isaiah 61:4 (NIV)
No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married.
2 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)
Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Sermon Text
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
Sermon preached by Jessica Santiago Burke - United Faith Church, Barnegat, NJ
Hallelujah, bless the Lord! How privileged we are to be in the house of God this day; to serve the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings- The King of Glory - He is in the house. He is with His people, we need only to open up our eyes to Him, hallelujah. The Spirit of the Lord is with us - the Spirit of blessing, the Spirit of authority, the Spirit of the favor of God is in the house. The world may not understand that - this day we know that there is a feeling of doom and gloom in America this day. We turn on our TVs and we see the natural disasters, we see the economic upheaval, we see the political chaos that’s going on right now, but I want to tell you this day, church, that God is still in control. His Spirit is with us. This is the greatest kingdom. Our kingdom is eternal. It’s not the one of this world, but we’re serving the Lords kingdom, which is eternal. It is not this place that is going down. It is not the chaos that you see, for the people of God remain out of it. They leave the world behind and come after the house of God, into the kingdom that is forever.
Jesus also had a similar circumstance around Him when He came into this earth. For some of you that have watched the show “The Chosen”, I just started it - I know, I’m late to this game - but it is amazing how the show really depicts so perfectly the perfect storm that Jesus walked in - a lot like we’re feeling right now. He came in where there was the Roman occupation over the nation of Israel, and they were crushing them with their taxes. They were crushing them with their capital punishment - which you know was the cross- they were being crushed by their values, which were actually offensive to the Jews, and they could not be free. They were not free even in their own nation. Does that remind you of the Christians today that can’t announce Christ? That can’t bring their Bibles to school? We are living in the same times. In those days, the Sadducees and the Pharisees - the religious members - were crushing the people with religious ordinance, rules, and regulations that there was no way the people could follow. They wanted to be with God, but how could we find Him? I can’t follow! I can’t do it! And yet those religious people were not able to bring them into the presence of God.
They were sad, the people were like sheep without a shepherd. They were lost, poor, spiritually blind, and they were overcome by the things that were going on around them. I hope that you’re hearing this message because we know that there is a need out there. There are those who are spiritually poor, blind, lost in the midst of things. But there, in the midst of that dire situation, there in the whirlwind of the political upheaval, there in the midst of it all Jesus comes on the scene! Hallelujah.
There He comes in the whirlwind, declaring “My kingdom is the greatest kingdom. There is no kingdom that is like Mine” The kingdom of God has come. He is in the house today - not just here, but worldwide. God is moving in small churches of those who seek after God, those who have a pure heart to really know the living God of the Old Testament; the Creator, the old one where He has come to save and rescue His people to make them into a great nation this day.
Wars, rumors of wars, economic downturn, climate disasters, the supply chain is going down - There is going to be a great need and God knew that this was the perfect time to show up on the scene this day. I want to make a public service announcement to you all - to all you rulers and kings, be warned for the King of Glory is in the house! He is the answer, church. He is the answer to the people who are in pain. He is the answer of those who will be coming who will feel this impending doom because we will bring them back to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
God has an answer for us, and if you would, open up your Bible to Isaiah 61. This is a verse that we have really held onto since the beginning of the formation of United Faith Church. This is our anthem. This is what we have stood upon. This is what we have believed God would do for so, so long in this church. And I really see the power of God being released, that this verse for the very first time would really come to pass. Now, when you go home, you can read the whole chapter, but for the sake of time we have to jump. So it starts with verse 1: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance for our God.” Now the verse goes on in 4: “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated. They will renew the ruined cities…” hallelujah! The Spirit of the Lord is in the house to proclaim the good news, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to release the captives.
And I know there’s captives here even in the house of God. I say hold onto your seat because we’re gonna be moving this day. Now imagine, imagine this word. This is in your Old Testament book; This was written 700 years before Jesus was even born. So if you know somebody that does not believe in the Bible, this is one of those evidences that we say - we declare the Word of God - this has amazing accuracy to the true ministry of Jesus Christ, which is recorded in the books of the New Testament. Seven hundred years before He came this was written about Him. Now I wanna fast-forward with you to the New Testament, and we remember Pastor talking recently about how Jesus was baptized when He first began His ministry. And when He was baptized, He received the power of the Holy Spirit. It came upon Him like a dove. Once He received the Holy Spirit He was led out into the wilderness where He was tempted by Satan. We know we had a service about that recently. He was powerful and He won over all of the temptations of the devil, but here we are picking up in the story, and after He was tempted, He comes back to His hometown of Nazareth. He went to the local Tabernacle, which He was in the habit of doing, and there they handed Him a scroll to read. They say to Him, “Would you read the word for us?” He could’ve asked for another scroll, He could’ve asked for another scripture, He could’ve read any verse in the book of Isaiah, but here He is and He reads this very same scripture that we have read today - Isaiah 61. He reads it out loud to the people, and in Luke 4:21, He says, “Today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Hallelujah.
This is the “mic drop” moment folks. This is Jesus’ mission statement. This is what has been written about Him since the beginning of time. Hallelujah. This is the year where He will go and proclaim the favor of God and vengeance for God in the earth, amen. He has come to wreak havoc on the kingdom of Satan. He is taking back the captives. He is bringing salvation where there was no life. He is bringing the dead to life. Amen.
He is doing it in our midst and He will go and ransack the places of the enemy this day. This is what He came to do, and that is the Spirit that is upon the church this day. This is the Word made flesh and making His move amongst us. Jesus is no longer here in the flesh, He lives in every single one of us who have received Him. He is in the flesh of people - those sons of God who have received Him - He’s walking inside of you! To preach, to teach, to touch, to bring hope, to be a light in a dark place. This is for us this day. We understand that this Word was written 2000 years ago, but we know that every single thing in the Bible is cyclical and whatever was will be again. Hallelujah, it is a new start!
In the perfect storm of problems that have come upon us, that is where God has come to redeem. It is the year of the Lord’s favor, hallelujah! The year and the time of favor is upon us! Can you feel it? Do you perceive it? For God is doing a new thing!
So today, I want to talk to you about three things that God is going to do during the time of favor. The first thing we’re going to see coming straight out of the scripture we just read today, is that we have the power of the good news once again. Now, we’re not talking about a year as in 365 days. We are talking about the move of God that begins now and will not end until the church is ushered back into heaven. The power of the Spirit of God that is being released in this place will be with you, as my husband just said, until the end of the age, amen. He is making a new church. He is bringing back a living church. He is looking for the bride of Christ, which has taken the spots out of the dress, that has been transformed upon hearing the good news of Jesus Christ. Sons and disciples of Jesus who no longer live for themselves. If you’re still living for yourself, you have not received the good news; you didn’t hear the message! You didn’t get it, but I have come this day, to give you good news! It is a sweet message that we no longer have to live for ourselves. I no longer have to figure it out in my head. I no longer have to reconcile my brain to what the Bible says. I have to just give it up and let go, and let God who died to give me new life this day for me and for you.
And if it is not sweet noise to you, if it is not a good message, you have to go back. You have to go back because this day, the Lord is here and He invites you to come and says, “I want to give you a new life. I want to give you a new heart. I want to heal you. I want to make you new. I want to live My life of miraculous power in your body.” Would you receive that message this day?
Life is hard; We have been through a lot and God knows it and He has made provision for that. So just let it go, let it die. Let the old life die and let our lives be new in Him - to touch others, to be full of light, to have life within you, to have love, to be able to be in the world what Jesus was. He was the answer. And we can’t do it on our own - You don’t have the ability. I don’t have the ability. There’s nothing good in me. I’m not hanging onto myself anymore, I don’t need the accolades, I don’t need to build up my self-esteem to say what I can prove in myself. I had to give that up when I wanted to receive Jesus. That is salvation, the good news of the Lord.
We’ve been talking a little bit about true sons and what a servant is, and the difference between a son and a servant is that a servant comes and has to move and do out of obligation - they’re forced to do it. They don’t want to do it. And for some of us, that’s how we’ve been walking in our Christianity. Being forced to do things that we really don’t want to do, but I want to tell you the good news is here to make you a true son, a true follower just like Jesus was with God the Father. He actually had joy in following God, in doing His work, in bringing the healing, and in doing the work of God this day. So will you open up your heart to be a true son of the Lord Jesus Christ? Creation waits in eager expectation for the true sons of God to be revealed.
Can you feel it? Do you know that all of creation - we’re talking about it being Rosh Hashanah this week and the Jews celebrate the new time that God created the Earth, and when you think about the rocks and the clouds and the ocean and the waves and the birds and the flowers and all the things that God created - do you not know that even the angels look from heaven, and they peer down unto the earth, to see how your transformation will take place? To see all of a sudden the transforming power of God, that you no longer are doing the things that you used to do. Where you used to live for yourself. Where you used to build up your own kingdom. Where you used to just care about yourself being transformed. Hallelujah, there is a work of sanctification being done in the house of God! Holy, unto the Lord. Willfully, not because someone is taking your hand and leading you to the water to drink, but because we’re running to our Maker. We are just so pleased to be called into the house of God, to the family of the Lord this day.
But for us, we must be poor in spirit in order to receive salvation - meaning we are no longer trusting in our abilities…Now for those who want to receive the good news of Jesus, the Word says that He “proclaimed the good news to the poor”; and then in order to be saved we must be poor in spirit. We remember the greatest sermon that Jesus preached was the Sermon on the Mount and there He said, “blessed, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. I’m not talking just about economically poor - although that helps, because people who are poor in an economic standpoint - they’re not trusting in the things of the world - and that’s why the moves work in Third World countries. That’s why the multitude come and they lay themselves before the feet of Jesus at the cross and give up their whole lives - because they’re not trying to hold on to their worldly things. But for us, we must be poor in spirit in order to receive salvation - meaning we are no longer trusting in our abilities; That we are no longer trusting in our own ability to build up our lives and to build up our careers and our families. What could you build apart from God? How far will you go? It crumbles because it is all tainted with sin.
I want you to think a little bit about the fact that Jesus came. You know what is our doctrine about sin? You as a child, did you have to be taught to lie? Did you have to be taught to manipulate others by having a hissy fit? Did you have to be taught to get your own way by cheating? No! Every single person, every single young person has sin that is inherited through Adam passed down through the generations. We are all in need of a redemption this day. Let God make us new this day!
Jesus did not come so that you would not go to hell. Jesus came so that you would have new life this day! And that’s really where the church of America has got it wrong. Instead of going and giving a question and saying, “Do you want to go to heaven?” because everybody says, “Yeah, sure, I want to go to heaven.” But the question should really be, “Do you want to be reconciled back to the Father?” Amen. This shows that we truly understand our need for a mediator - that God would take the place - that He sent His Son to take your place for you and for me.
Now you must ask yourself; Do you decide where you will go? Do you decide what you will do? Do you make up the rules for your life? Because I say to you - give up your own thinking, your own worldly philosophy, the carnal thinking of this world and this day give it to God! What good can come of it all for Christ is our only hope. Who here is ready to surrender? I will trade my life for the life of Jesus Christ this day. He will do it all in me, and there is power from on high in what He can do.
We are called to be rich in the kingdom of heaven but poor in the world this day. When I think about the gospel being preached, I think of it like water to a dry land, and when I remember that I remember the disciples - that upon hearing the gospel, the call to follow Jesus Christ - what was their response? They dropped their nets. They dropped their way of life. They dropped their way of thinking and they immediately followed Him. There was no hesitation about them. Where are those who are ready to follow Jesus? Pick me! I’m ready to go! I will follow you, Lord, wherever you send me because I believe that you are in charge this day! The hard times that they were in had ripened their hearts. They had given up on what their abilities were. Have you yet come to the place of full surrender before the Lord? Are you ready to receive Him this day? For they eagerly waited for God to take over their souls.
Many will come to this church as the hard times are upon us. Souls will be yearning, will you be ready to give them the good news? I believe this day there are even many in this room who have not received the good news of Jesus Christ with joy in their heart, but today I know that there are ears that are hearing the Word of the Lord this day. It is good news! I trade my life for yours for it did not come cheaply! But you have given me the opportunity for new life. Amen.
New life doesn’t come with just words, but with the power of the transformed life…The gospel does not come with just words. New life doesn’t come with just words, but with the power of the transformed life; No longer being the old man, but coming into the new - amen. I am looking to see the sons of God, the whole earth waits in eager expectation to see your transformation. Would you come and be transformed by the Lord this day? And so we know, in the time of God‘s favor, it is for salvation.
Secondly, Jesus proclaims freedom for the captives. We see that He said in the verse that He has come to deliver the captives, to set them free. Church, we’re saved so that we can then be delivered! Do not stop at salvation! You have to keep going! Dig! Search! Look! Find anything that hinders you - search it and rip it off that you may run that race again. This is the time of our deliverance. Many of us might have already come into that salvation of Jesus Christ, but let us be delivered - that we may all do the work, that we may all be filled - because God is in the house this day. Amen.
Now this week I told you I was not feeling that well and I had to go to Urgent Care, and outside there was a man, an elderly man, that fell and slipped and hit his head on the pavement. So the ambulance was called and the nurse ran out of my room. The doctor went and they were tending to this man as they waited for emergency services. And of course I’m coming out of my room - I want to see what had gone on to see if I could be of any assistance - but my nurse said to me, “Please go back into your room.” And I’m married to a first responder; I know that they don’t like people getting in the way. I know that I was standing there and they’re thinking, “This girl is being nosy”, but really I’m having a dialogue in my heart with the Lord and saying, “God, I feel like I’ve been dreaming about moments like this like. I feel like You want me to do something.” But I was hesitant because it was an emergency situation. I am not a nurse, what can I do? But God impressed upon me, and I went and I was able to ask the woman, “You know, can I pray for you guys?” once things were calmed down. And she said, “Of course.”
So I was able to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to come, to just be with this man, and the presence of God came, and there was a peace that came, and things were calmer because the Lord was in the midst. And when I had finished, everybody’s eyes were so much lighter and they thanked me and they were saying how sweet it was; I don’t think they had ever heard somebody earnestly praying before God and He had done something in the midst! And that old man was gonna be OK and they knew it because God had come!
This is the works that we’ve been called to do - each one of us. It’s not about these four walls, it’s about going and preaching to your neighbors about how you have been transformed, telling them what God has done. Going to Walmart, going to your job site, going to school and being different. This is the purpose of the church, but unless you are delivered from darkness, unless you are able to be free from the things that held you down, you will not be able, and you will be hindered from the work of God. The church - the praying church - is the only thing that stops Satan from doing what he wants in this earth. There will come a time when the church is raptured and the church is out of the earth, Satan will be completely released to do all the darkness that he wants to do. But while we are here, church - oh to call upon the name of the Lord, to wreak vengeance on the kingdom of Satan, to do damage to the kingdom of Satan, and pluck souls that were on a road to perdition, on a road to darkness, and bring them over to where we are.
We can only take others as far as we ourselves have gone. 2 Corinthians 13:11 says to strive for full restoration. Don’t be half-healed. Don’t be Christians that have holes and bandages and band-aids for every harmful, hurtful thing that we had. We must give it to the Lord this day! And if you sit here in your chair right now saying, “Well, I don’t know what I need to be delivered from?” It really shouldn’t be that hard to think of, but I’ll ask you the question for the sake of going through it with you. I would say to you, “What reaction does your family see from you? If they poke the bear, if they get you riled up, what’s coming out?” You know, we do see anger, resentment - is there insecurity? Under certain circumstances of life, what are your reactions? What are your reactions when somebody’s pulling in front of you on the parkway? What are your reactions when something is annoying you, when you’re standing in line at Walmart and you’re trying to purchase something? What are the reactions when your children are doing something?
We need to be able to dig deep. The deeper that you dig, the higher you will build. Do not walk around as wounded anymore! For too long we have walked around with band-aids and covered ourselves and said, “Lord, here I am.” We stand here at the altar and we only expose to the Lord certain aspects of our soul, but the way that it is with God is that He wants it all. He wants all of us. He wants to overtake your soul, your mindset, your conscience. Nobody in this room knows what your thoughts are. Nobody knows your thought life except God, and even that we will be judged for. So when we think about what we think, what we do, what we do in secret - it is not secret to God for He sees all things. Nothing is done in secret; so this day let us not walk around with those weak spots
.Kris and I, we live by the bay and there’s saltwater in the air and so we usually have planks in our deck that rot really quickly. And if he did not replace those planks, what would happen is that we would have weak spots. He has to replace them because I can’t have people coming over and saying, “Well don’t step there. Don’t step there. You’re not going to want to put your foot there.” And that’s how we walk around as Christians with the Lord. “Lord, I'm exposed. I’m available to be used by you, but not in this area.” No. We need to be fully, fully exposed to the Lord. I encourage you, this day, to go deeper with God.
The Lord has made provision for your deliverance. He died to pay for your salvation. His blood was poured out to make you clean and to pay for an atonement for your sin, but Jesus also made provision for your deliverance when He was seated at the right hand of the Father - far above all rule, power and authority. God is above every demonic power and stronghold and chain in your life. I’ve come to remind you this day - He has made provision for your deliverance this day! It is about Him! It is about His power! It is about the authority that has been given to Him for He died, but He was resurrected and there He is seated in the heavenly realms, amen, given the name that is above all names. No anger, no darkness, no resentment, no low self-esteem, no addiction, no depression can ever come against the Lord, for His Name is holy and He is above it all. He is the creator; He is your creator and everything that comes under the name of Jesus Christ must bow to Him. We invoke the power of the name of Jesus in this place, this day, for your deliverance. It is not about you! It is not about your history! It is not about your track record! It is about the authority that is given to Jesus by God Himself. He is God! He is the Lord!
And there is power in His name. Nothing can attach to us that we want to give up, if we have put ourselves under the authority of Jesus. There is nothing that He cannot do. Hallelujah! We’ve got to stop holding back because who’s going to say, “I want a little bit of the devil in my life.” Nobody’s really going to say that. Nobody wants to have a little bit of Satan. We know how he works. He exploits the weaknesses. We go out into ministry, we start our walk with the Lord, we start getting more and more powerful, and then what happens? He pulls us back by our chains - like a puppet. He knows exactly what strings to pull. And we always go back, falling into the same old patterns; and we get disappointed, and we cry about it. But God this day is saying, “Cut it, cut it, cut it off! Do not be manipulated or exploited by Satan this day!” We have to be real with ourselves about where we are; be exposed, be raw with God this day. Make time with Him this day.
Make the time for Him to be able to move in you. You know if you see me walking with my headphones, there’s really only I guess about a 50% chance that I’m actually listening to music. I really put the headphones on so that my neighbors don’t think I’m crazy as I’m walking and praying with the Lord. And so there I am, I’m walking along in complete silence, you know faking you all out, but the reality is I’m saying to God, “Well, why did I say that? Why did I answer that person in that way? Oh Lord, I’m so sorry that that’s there. Would you show me when I started to think that way? Would you show me where that came in? Lord, I’m so sorry for that. Would you heal me God? Would you forgive me?” And He brings that deliverance in my life. You’ve got to be an open book for the Lord. I’m not trying to be perfect on my own. I’m trying to be in the One who is perfect, and He brings our perfection in us, Hallelujah! Our deliverance comes so that we may deliver others, and as far as you’re willing to go, that’s how God will bring others.
Matthew 13:47 says, “The kingdom of Heaven is like a net thrown into the sea and gathered every kind of fish. Church, we’re all different. We’re all so different, coming from different backgrounds, and your story is exactly for somebody else who needs to hear your story. But if they come in, they need to know that it was through your victory - you overcame it, you came back from the dead, you overcame the grave, you who were dead was raised to life and people coming in need to hear the hope that is found in the church this day! That’s why we’re all different - because there’s people of different kinds of fish that are coming into the church that you, only you, could minister to. Because of your background, because of your story, because of the victory that God has brought in your life, hallelujah! For the time of favor is upon the church not only for salvation but for our deliverance!
And finally, the time of favor is to rebuild the ancient ruins. This is verse four: “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated. They will renew the ruined cities.” You know it’s funny - I chose this sermon before Pastor talked about the Building the Kingdom campaign this week, but obviously God is speaking all around. What I heard in the services that were being spoken is that a lot of us were able to say that we could never repay God for all that He has done for us - for the second chances, for the salvation, for restoring us, for delivering us, all the things that God has done. The church has to build up this day! We’re in the time of building. Maybe you have the salvation, maybe you have the deliverance, but this day - now is the time to build! Who is ready to build?
Who in your family is seeing the altars of remembrance that you have built?We are building up these altars of remembrance of what God has done. It starts first in your home and then in the communities. Who in your family is seeing the altars of remembrance that you have built? And really, what does that actually and practically mean? It means that our speech and our actions are giving back to God, and that all who are in our surrounding area can’t stop hearing about it - That you’re on repeat. It is the song on repeat about how God has saved us, that He rescued us, how He healed us, how He’s done so much and then nobody can forget it! Your children won’t be able to forget, your spouse won’t be able to forget, your coworkers are even gonna know your story!
“Oh, this one’s obsessed with God!”
“This one can’t stop thanking God!”
“This one’s so thankful to God!”
Hallelujah! That is restoring the ancient old ruins. The first part of the scripture that we read today is about what Jesus was going to do, but the second part is about what we are going to do for the Lord.Rebuilding the ancient old ruins; It’s a metaphor for bringing back loyalty and honor to God. Who else will do it except God’s people? That is the charge that is upon us this day. I ask, who are those that God has done a miracle for? Who are those that are eager to give back to God? I remember the 10 lepers of the Bible - all of them were healed! All of them! All of us have been healed, all of us have benefited from the word and from the house, from the goodness of God! Will you be that one that came back? Would you take what you have received from the house of God and would you invest and build in the house of the Lord this day?
Historically Israel has had a habit of getting comfortable, and when they did we know that they would assimilate to the nations that were around them. They would adopt their gods, they would allow their children to intermarry, they would take on their values. Oftentimes the prophet would warn them about their behavior; about what their behavior was going to result in, and in the case of Jeremiah, he was thrown into a cistern. They did not want to hear it. They did not want to hear the warning this day. But church, I pray that you would hear the warning. That you would hear the warning that hard times are coming, and that you would come, and turn, and not take from God what He has so willingly given. He has not withheld anything from us. He has given with great generosity, not begrudgingly. Let us not start counting our time that we give to God - our effort. Oh, looking at my watch; “How long have I been here?” But give to God what belongs to Him - that and even more! For to the one who does not give begrudgingly - rivers of life, of blessing are going to be pouring out into that person. The Bible says that whoever has will be given more, and the people that don’t have, even what they have will be taken from them. Woah, woah.
God is saying this day, “Give to the Lord generously!” and He will keep filling up your house. He will fill you with blessings. He will fill you with salvation. He will fill you with joy. And you’ll keep giving it out, and you’ll minister to people, and you’ll meet with them and the hours will go late and you’ll keep giving out, and you’ll be filled with God because no one can out-give the Lord! Be eager to build! Be eager to give back to God! There’s nothing that we should be holding back from the Lord, for He has earned it in our lives.
The Israelites - they failed to safeguard all that God had given to them. And so what happened? His hand of blessing was taken off. And that’s where they were ransacked. Their cities were burned. Their walls were toppled. We have to really understand where we’re at today. We understand those hard times are coming and there should be a distinction between the way the world goes and the way we handle it. Because in God, we are always rich. Jesus is the pearl of great worth. The man sold all that he had in order to be able to gain the field that would allow him to buy it this day. Who knows that Jesus is the value of this world? We are building in Him.
The physical desecration of their cities was just an idea, it just showed us what was happening in the spiritual realm.They had broken covenant with God. They had forgotten to give back to Him - They had forgotten to thank Him. They had forgotten to have hearts for the Lord, even in the midst of what they had. They were wealthy. At one time they were just a nomadic people living in the wilderness, and yet what had God done? He brought them to be in one of the greatest military countries. He gave them prosperity of goodness. He filled their houses. They were a blessed nation in every way, but they forgot.
There will be a time of reckoning. I’m talking even to America this day. This is the time of reckoning for America. Have they turned their backs away from the Lord? “But, if my people humble themselves and pray, then I will heal their land,” says the Lord.
We cannot fall into the same patterns any longer, to not forget about what God has done. We cannot fall into the old things of compromising because it comes slow, and then it overtakes the mind. I want to say to you that, all of a sudden, when we start forgetting about God, that’s when we start compromising. All of a sudden, the gray areas start coming in and we have the question, “Well, what’s the big deal?” That’s what we always hear. “What’s the big deal? I don’t see the big deal about these things.” And there’s the mindset, right. It starts shifting. Then all of a sudden, we have the things of the world or what we desire, and the things of God become foolish.
“I don’t wanna pray about what I’m gonna do. I don’t wanna stop and take the time to seek God any longer.” The things of God become foolish when we choose to not remember what He has done, and that is the threat against the church this day. We cannot forget what the Lord has done. There would be often times when the parents will come and say, “Why can’t my daughter wear the string bikini to the beach? Why can’t they miss services of youth group and Sunday morning? Why can’t they start having sleepovers while they’re in high school?” If I have to answer that question we know that we’re not in a good place.
And I don’t want to just pick on the young people. Let’s pick on the old as well! How far are you willing to go for your boss? How much do you want the things of this world? How far are you willing to go? But this day, choose who you will be loyal to. God has done it. He deserves our honor, our loyalty back to Him this day. Will you build for Him? Trade the things of the world, and build for the Lord your day. He wants to bless you, He wants to bless your children, He wants to bless your children’s children. So this day, I leave you with this question: Who will build a house for God?
Haggai the prophet rose up and he said to the people, “Will you live in your panels houses while the house of God remains in ruin?” But I tell you; the Lord will always rise up the remnant. And the spirit of the Lord came in the midst of the people and He started stirring the hearts. Lord, would you move even in this room right now? Would you stir the heart? Would you begin to stir my heart even now Lord, that I would decide to build a house of honor for God and that house would not be in a building, but it would be in my heart? It would be my home. Where in my house, I won’t take - nothing will take Your place. The idols will fall - my children, my money, my job, my finances, my future planning will not take Your place, Lord. I will build a house for God where He and He alone has my honor. My praise for You will ever be on my lips.
I know that the church is waking up and there are many who are ready to build. And so this day, I just want to say to you, we remember that there were two temples that were built in the Old Testament. But this time, as the third temple is being rebuilt, it is being built in the hearts of His people. Amen. Never again, never again to be toppled. Never again to be ransacked. Never again to give the Lord a bad name, for He is in our midst this day. Hallelujah.
We are not of this world, we are building on a kingdom that will last forever, hallelujah! A kingdom that has no end, for the power that is being released on you to get this done is the one that will usher you into glory. For He is the King of Glory - give Him praise! We read the verse in Luke, chapter 4 - Jesus stood among the Pharisees, He stood among the people and He declared this word about Himself. The word has taken flesh, for the spirit of God is in and among His people this day.
Take heed people - the church is fulfilling His word even now. The word of God is being fulfilled in our midst even now, hallelujah! It is a miracle for it has been prophesied about us. And we come to be filled and to do the work of God this day. Salvation is here. Deliverance is here. And the spirit of those who would rise up with a sword in their hands seeking honor for God, with the word of the Lord slicing away everything that hinders, we break down the idols and we build up a house for God this day.