The Will of the Father – EP40 (Luke 22:42)
Luke 22:42
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
Hi everyone! It’s Tania and welcome to the Moms for Christ Podcast. The Word that I have today comes from the book of Luke chapter 22 verse 42. And it says: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”
"Lord, you know what is best … your will is what is best for my life."This verse takes place when Jesus is on the Mount of Olives right before he's arrested. He's asking the Lord if He's willing to stop all that was about to take place, but as quickly as He asks, He says: “...not my will, but yours be done.” In that moment He knew that God knew what was best for His life, and no matter what was going to happen or what He might endure, He knew that God's will needed to be fulfilled. It just speaks to a heart that is humble, a heart that is saying, “You know, I don't know what's best, but Lord, you know what is best and I'm willing to do what you have called me to do because your will is what is right, your will is what is best for my life.”
"It's a heart that's willing to be obedient"I think of Jesus and how in that moment He could have done what was best for Him, but He trusted his Father. His only desire was to do his Father's will. It's a heart that's willing to be obedient, even unto death, because He knew that God knew what was best. He knew that God had a plan and He was willing to be obedient to that plan so that his Father's will would be fulfilled.
It reminds me of a relationship with a parent and a child. There's so many things that we, as parents, ask our children to do because we want what's best for them. Eventhough our children may not always move as quickly or be so zealous to do what we're asking--- they'll do it because they know what is best for them, they'll do it because they know that we, as parents, want to do what's best for them and they trust us.
It reminds me, about a few years ago, Taylor had to get stitches. She really did not want to get the stitches, but she knew that they were necessary and she knew that she needed them. The whole time I was facing her and she stared into my eyes because she trusted me and she knew that as long as me and her father were there watching over her and leading her, that she was going to be okay. That eventhough she was a little bit uncomfortable in that moment, that there was something greater that was happening and that was that she wouldn't have this gaping hole in her body. It's the same with the Lord.
"He knows what is best for them. "My prayer is that: no matter the situation or the circumstance that my children would always be looking into the Lord's eyes, trusting their Father in heaven, knowing that He knows what is best for them. So would you just join me in prayer as we pray for the children: that they would truly trust their Father’s will, that they would do all that the Lord desires, that they would seek it out and be obedient to it because they know that God knows what is best for them.
Lord, who is like you? There truly is no God like you; your wisdom is infinite, Lord. We are so thankful, Lord God, that you have called us to be a part of your house, that you have called us to come and to worship you. We're so grateful, Lord, that you know what is best for us and you lead us and you speak to us and you guide us and you show us how you want us to go. Lord, I pray this day that we would teach our children, Lord, to not only seek out your will, but to be obedient to it. That they would trust you, knowing that no matter what the situation looks like, no matter what the circumstance may be, that you love them and that your desire for their lives is a desire that will bring them wherever they need to be so that your will would be fulfilled.
"...that our children would lay down their will and trust the Lord "And that's the prayer: that our children would lay down their will and trust the Lord and seek out His will and then be obedient to it because they know that He knows what's best for them and His desire is to bring them closer to Him. His desire is to have His plan and purpose fulfilled in their lives. God bless and have a wonderful week. I'll speak to you soon.