The Kingdom of God is the Winning Team
Jessica Santiago Burke
Copyright © 2017 United Faith Church | All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.

Matthew 6:9-10
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Luke 4:42-44
At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Isaiah 9:6-7
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Revelation 19:6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Sermon Text
The Kingdom of God is the Winning Team
Sermon preached by Jessica Santiago Burke - United Faith Church, Barnegat, NJ
God has given me a message that I feel compelled from my heart to share with you because it has been the blessing in my life that I have received. Today, my prayer is that this word would bless you in your life in the same way that it has brought blessing and joy to my life.
To begin, I wonder how many of you know that my family is quite competitive. If you know my sister, Brenda, you know that she likes to win. When we were teenagers in youth group, we used to go to overnight retreats, and we would play games- boys versus girls. Brenda would gather up the toughest girls in youth group, and they would walk all the way over to the enemy camp, also known as “the boys’ bunk,” with their shaving cream and ‘ammo’ ready to go… they were determined to win that weekend. And my brother, Pastor Jeff, is competitive too. Secretly, on the down-low, if the guys decide to get together for a biking trip, do you know what Pastor Jeff is doing on the side? He is running hills and doing laps so that he can be the leader of the pack. And my father, Pastor Jerry, will out-rake and out-shovel any young man in this church. He will pace himself, and he will watch each and every guy tucker out, and he will be the last one on the field.
Essentially, we all want to be winners and we all like to win. We all want to be on the winning side. That's the message for today, because truly the kingdom of God is that winning team. Every Sunday after church, my husband, Kris, looks at his cell phone to check the score of the Giants game. I do not have to ask him what the score is because I know by the look of disappointment on his face that his team is not doing so well. The reality is that we all want to be on that winning side.
Today, we are going to learn that the kingdom of God is on the winning side and that we are to leave all earthly kingdoms, which is everything that competes for our time, for our attention, and for whatever it is that we dedicate ourselves to outside of God. We look at the things of this world- the jobs, social media, retirement plans- anything that competes with the Lord, and that is where our kingdom is. A lucrative career is not going to be what saves us in the end. It is not going to be a retirement plan that has been painstakingly saved throughout our lives that is going to be able to sustain us. It is not the masses of friends that we have attained on social media that we spend so much time accruing who are going to come to our rescue when we need it. Nor is it the governmental or presidential candidate of your choice that is going to secure a future for you and your families. And if that is you today, if you are still relying on that earthly kingdom, I invite you to truly get off that sinking ship and come onto the winning side. There is no comparison! It is the best feeling in the world when you are on that winning team. Some of our athletes can understand that feeling. Truly, the ultimate win is when God comes and reigns again upon this earth, and that will be the day of triumph. That is the winning team.
We are going to talk about the winning team today, the kingdom of God, and going all the way. As we begin, we have to define: What is winning? In any sport that you've ever played before, you know that there must be rules in the game. We know today that God being the winning team is the establishment of Heaven here on earth. That is how God wins, meaning that the way things run in Heaven would be brought down into the hearts and the lives of men and women who are here living on the earth. The law of God, the authority of God, and the supremacy of God, invading from heaven and coming down into the hearts of men and women on this earth is how the kingdom of God wins this day. No longer for man would it be our own self ruling, but we will be led now by the Spirit of God. It will not be our own ideas that dictate our decisions, but truly it will be the Word that is the determining factor that pops up into our hearts to say, “No!” “Go right!” “Go left!” “Make a stop!” It would be the Word of God that would guide our feet through the road of life. Our decisions would not be our own, but they would now be God's will in our life. No longer would we be the ones making the decision of where we are going to school, what college we are going to, who we are going to marry, or who we are going to date, but we would truly be submitted to the will of God. That is what Heaven on earth really looks like, and that is the kingdom of God winning.
Let’s open our Bibles to Matthew 6:9-10:
“This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth just as it is in heaven.”
Jesus is praying these powerful words. We read again, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth just as it is in heaven.” You see, Jesus is the MVP on this team. He knows how to put points on the scoreboard, He knows how the kingdom of God can win, and He knows that it is bringing Heaven down on earth. He knows that things in Heaven run differently than the way they do on this earth. In Heaven, God's rule and God’s say is the final say, and sometimes we are not so used to that. In Heaven, He stands supreme, He sits on his throne, and He rules the world with a scepter in His hand! He is the King of Glory! And in Heaven, there are no opposing opinions, nor those who rise up and stand opposed to Him. Nobody else has a crown on their head except God. And so that is what Jesus knows has to happen on this earth. For heaven to come on the earth, all of creation would align itself in the correct order, which is under the sovereign rule and supremacy of God, the Father. Each territory, each side of this game, is trying to invade on the territory of the opposing team, and this is what Jesus came to do when He came to this earth. When He was born upon this earth, He had one mission to accomplish, and that was to get back territory for God. Today, He is vying for the territory of your heart- that is what He is after. Jesus took Satan’s greatest power away- and that was death- when He died and resurrected from the grave. When He rose up, He took away that last power that Satan had so that your hearts would be released from the power of sin. His blood made payments so that you also would rise with Him and that you would receive the kingdom of God. He claimed victory over death. Jesus is in victory this day, and the reason why the kingdom of God is in victory is because Jesus has been victorious over death, hell, and the grave. His blood made the payment for his children, you and me, to be brought back to Him. He was the one that paid that price.
Therefore today, whoever turns their eyes to God, the territories of their hearts are won over. When the heart that we have turns back to God, what is it going to look like? It will be Heaven on earth. You will be able to live every day here on this earth just as if you were truly living in Heaven. His law prevails over our desire. His desire will glorify Him above all else. We will not seek provision from any job, person, or retirement or savings account, but we will seek our provision from God, the Father, who runs all, who owns all, who is all. He is the Creator of all things. He owns all things. There is nothing in the world that is not at His disposal, there is nothing that He would hold back from you when we are part of the kingdom of God. We must submit to the kingdom this day and come under His rule so that we could receive all the blessing from Heaven. The kingdom wins when a man or woman comes under the kingdom of God while still on this earth. There is an idea that we will become these angelic creatures after we die so that when we pass away, we go to Heaven where we will be changed in an instant, and then we will have the lordship of God. But today He says, No! That's a falsehood that the world has shared! I want you to live like you are in Heaven now! Today, we know that the kingdom of God is winning; I invite you to look to the right and to the left of where you are sitting right now because men and women display the power of God and Heaven on earth in their lives today because the lordship of Jesus Christ is over them.
I am asking you today to willfully submit your heart to the lordship of Jesus Christ and, through that, you will receive the blessings of Heaven. We can live as Heaven-like creatures as God comes into our hearts, transforms us, and allows us to live as those new creations. When I was in college, I was attending the United Faith Church Righteous Leadership Training Institute, and I know many of you have gone through that class. It is truly a blessing. During that time, I came to understand Christ’s work on the cross- all that He accomplished, all that He beat. The reason that He did everything on the cross and came to this earth was so that I could receive and be part of the winning team, of His kingdom. He came to share it! At that time, I saw my own kingdom beginning to crumble right at its foundations. All the obligations that the world had bestowed upon me, all of its worldly expectations of what I was supposed to be or what I was supposed to do, literally were disappearing under the truth of God. During that class, we were taught how to pray and come before the presence of the Lord, and I just knew that a new kingdom was being laid upon me. There is an actual pressure that comes on the head of a man, and the Lord literally laid His kingdom upon me like a wreath being laid over a victor’s head. It is then that you become part of the kingdom of God, that the Word is made alive in your life. You see, Heaven works with its own rules and laws that are not of this world. When you read your Bible, sometimes the laws of Heaven are not activated in your life… you are reading the word, you are praying the word over your life, but why isn't it working? How come when I pray these things, I am not seeing the power displayed in my life? The answer is you have to make that transformation, you have to turn and receive His kingdom. This is the key to blessing. This is the key to success. It was then in my life that I saw the verses of the Bible truly coming alive:
All things are possible through Christ who gives me strength! (Philippians 4:13)
Don't worry about anything! (Philippians 4:6)
Ask anything in my name and it will be given unto you! (John 16:23)
Cast your burdens on me! (Psalm 55:22)
I will lift you up on wings like eagles! (Isaiah 40:31)
My peace I give to you! (John 14:27)
My plans I have to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11)
When you are a part of the kingdom of God, it is then that every blessing, every verse that you have ever read, is released and invoked on your life because it is released in Heaven. It is released over the kingdoms and territories of God, Himself. This is the winning team, and today, God is ready to expand his territory. He is aiming at the territory of your heart. Now, unlike the government that we find in this world or the worldly system, God's government is not burdensome. It is not oppressive. There is freedom and there is true liberation found in the kingdom of God. In the world’s system, many of you have felt oppressed, many of you have felt discarded or forgotten. The world has forgotten about so many. You may have felt like that at one time or another. In the world’s system, greed, self-centeredness, love of money, and pride are the things that run the kingdoms of this world. This kingdom has literally existed from the beginning of time when man decided to do his own thing apart from God. That is when the worldly system was created. Many governments have existed within this system, and they have risen, and they have fallen. God has been there on His throne witnessing these empires rising and falling from the beginning of time. We remember the Romans, the Greeks, the Assyrians, and the Babylonians. These empires controlled the world during their time. Where are they today? They are literally wiped off the face of the earth to the point where they are not even in existence, literally wiped off the face of the earth. This is the kingdom of self, and one day the kingdom of self will also fall in the same way. Today we have a chance to throw down that failing kingdom and join the winning team.
Now I want to take a moment to discuss one of those empires that has been wiped off the face of the earth: historical Babylon. Throughout history, the Israelites struggled because they merged with the the worldly system; they often wanted to worship gods from other nations that were not of their own. They were struggling, and God was hurt by it. He would say to the Israelites, Wasn't it I who lead you out of Egypt? Wasn't it I who freed you? When you crossed over the Red Sea on dry land, wasn't it I who made sure that all million of you were able to get through? When they were in the wilderness, He said, not even a thong of one of your sandals wore out in 40 years. I fed you manna from heaven. I took care of you. Yet again, they were led astray. We can relate to that today because God is saying to all of us, I have been tender to you, I have cared for you, I have tended to you, I have brought a word to you, I have picked you up off of the floor. Today, we can really see and relate to what those Israelites were doing to God. And Babylon was constantly harassing the Israelites; they led them, went to war, invaded them, and took them into captivity. We can remember Daniel and the other three young men- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were taken captive to Babylon, and when they were taken, they could not worship their God. They could not pray to the Lord, their God. Babylon offered them all the desires of their heart: Anything you’d like except God. Don't worship the Lord, don't submit to Him, don't make Him the Lord of your life, don't let Him be the ruler. But I offer you money, prestige, women, religious authority. Whatever these young men could ever desire or dream of, that is what the world offered. We can look at this today and say, that is the kingdom of self- I recognize that. Babylon is still in existence today. She is the kingdom of self, and she reigns with fear over the people- fear of not having enough, fear of being left behind, fear of being left alone. She is a great temptor. She lures men away from God with the promises of freedom and liberation… but what does she bring? She truly brings coercion, lies, confusion, and eventual death. We read about her in the later books of the Bible, and we know that Babylon is mentioned in the book of Revelation. What does God say about her in Revelations 18:4? He says, “Come out of her, my people!” What does this mean? Come out of the world’s system this day. God says that she will be crushed, and God will deal with her in finality.
Think about our hearts today. We want to see which kingdom we are truly serving because there is no kingdom like the kingdom of God. We must come out of the kingdoms of this world and serve God. In the kingdom of the Lord, there is no corruption. He can never be overthrown. He will never be lost. He always was, always is, and always will be. He supersedes all kingdoms because He is making us loyal subjects while we are still here on this earth. Now we go back to our verse... when Christ prayed to the Lord, He said, “Let your kingdom come…” and it did, because today we know that you and I are able to represent the power of God in His ability to make disciples.
Now let us see how we can join this winning team. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He taught us how we may enter this winning kingdom. After He was baptized, He brought one message to the people and that was the good news of the kingdom of God. Page after page in the New Testament, He teaches the crowds, and His first message that He brings after John the Baptist is beheaded is, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was compelled to bring the good news and teach how we may receive this kingdom.
Let’s open our Bibles to Luke chapter 4, verse 42:
“At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for Him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving. But He said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent. He kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.””
At this point in the ministry of Jesus’ life, He was preaching among the people for a long time and He said to them that He had to go and move on to the next place so that he could preach the gospel of the kingdom. They asked Him to stay, but He said, I must go, I must do the work that God has called me to do. And so we know that when Jesus went preaching, He often went without eating, without sleeping, without a meal, and without a knowledge of where he was going to sleep that night with his disciples. In all of this, what are we seeing? The message is that there is only one reason why Christ came to this earth. Are you seeing it in this verse? I must do my Father's work. I must preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have a message for the world, and I am going to do the work of God. What is the “good news?” We hear that phrase so often. What is the good news of the kingdom? It is the invasion of heaven on the earth: His government, His provincial rule, His supreme authority being offered to you and to me today. I want you to imagine that message being preached across all the churches in America this morning. I am going to state that again. When you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are also receiving a kingdom, His government, His rule, His supreme authority being offered to you and to me. And I don't know if that message is being preached in the churches today. Salvation is not just about forgiveness. It is about receiving a kingdom and the lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives this day. That is His message and that is what we preach. That is the key to success, and that is how you receive the kingdom.
Never before in history has the kingdom of God ever been manifested in this earth the way it was through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Never before had people seen those kinds of miracles or the kind of work and deliverances that Jesus did. Yet, it was not until His death that we can see the power of God coming through. His death opens the way for you to be transferred from this kingdom into the next. It was the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that enables us to make that transfer. Death was the last enemy of God on this earth that had not been submitted. Death was the very last thing that tried to get under God’s skin and say, I’m still existing and I have them... These people are mine. But Christ came to beat death. And when He died and rose again, everything in creation is now submitted unto the authority and supremacy of God, Himself. We were once dead to God. We were once dead in our transgressions, but today we are alive in Christ. So now we see that there is nothing that is not subject to God.
The gospel of the kingdom of God is, today, that if you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, believing on his work on the cross- that He took away your penalty for sin, and that His blood has the power to wash you clean- you may receive life today... life in His kingdom. Let us examine our hearts to see, are you prepared for what Christ is offering today? Christ preached to many, but not all received. Is this good news to your ears today? Is your heart jumping within you? Are you awake today hearing the news? On the night that Jesus was born, angels celebrated; they sang their songs in the air and they blew their trumpets. Good tidings have come, good news has come to the earth. It is the birth of Jesus! For heaven has invaded the earth. The first time that I understood this message, oh... it was a done deal, because I knew what was being offered to me, and I hope you know today also. To give up the old ways of thinking that lead to death, to stop trying to do things on my own when I carry the burdens of those consequences by myself, to avoid the fear of the future, to lay myself down and flee the sinking ship, to end my own lawlessness and come into a winning team... that was my garbage in exchange for His riches. When Jesus would bring the message to the people, somebody in the crowd heard the message. Somebody was going to receive it. They chased after God, they pushed through the crowds, they elbowed their way through, and they would say, “Jesus! Son of David, have mercy on me!” They weren’t worried about who was looking at them, they weren’t worried about who was thinking that they were rude or that they didn't have the correct manners to be out in public, or how strange they looked, because they knew and they heard what was being offered. I want to be part of that kingdom! I want to be part of that winning team today! I want to trade my own kingdom, and receive the Lord’s. For the broken, for the weak, for the discarded, for the blind, for the poor and for the poor of spirit, this is good news. So today I ask you, is there good news in the house of God today?
Christ brought this message of the good news of the kingdom of God through faith, and we know that some rejected that message because they still served, valued, and lived by what this earthly kingdom offers. Many Jews were waiting for a kingdom change; they were under oppressive rule by the Roman government, and they wanted a kingdom change. They wanted a coup, and they were ready for a military uprising. Many of you want a change in your life, but are you ready for the spiritual change of the kingdom of God coming into the heart? They were misled about Jesus. They didn't understand Him. They were valuing wealth, popularity, career advancement, religious recognition, and Jesus did not fit their expectation. He came to this world born in a manger, laid in an animal trough. His clothes were simple, and He worked as a carpenter. He was thin because He fasted to God so often. His feet were dusty and dirty from walking in the desert so often and, eventually, weak from the lashings. He wore a crown of thorns on His head as He hung naked on the cross. Yet, make no mistake. He is a king from another kingdom. He is the King of glory! He is the Ancient of days! The Giver of life, the Light of the world, the Son of God, the Supreme Being, and the Lord God Almighty! He is God with us who came to share His kingdom with you and with me. We do not make light of what He offers us today. We know that He, in His kindness, has come to offer us entrance into His kingdom, into His rule, and into His reign. This kingdom is already fully established.We will be blessed to be part of it, but God sits on His throne regardless. There is nothing in creation that is not under His supremacy or under His rule to date. It is just that God, in His kindness, would offer us a chance today, because He does not want you to be on the losing side. God, in His kindness, today offers you mercy instead of judgment. We can see in the very popular verse John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.”
This may be the first verse that you ever memorized. Let's take a little deeper look into this. God the Creator, who rules over everything and owns everything, had so much mercy and love for the world, that He sent His Son, the King, so that if you would believe in Him as Lord, you would not perish, but you would live eternally in His kingdom. God has something special for us today. Jesus was no ‘hired messenger.’ He was the King of glory who left His throne in Heaven to come and to bring this message to you and to me. It is His desire today that you would not miss out. Jesus proclaimed this good news. He gives us the opportunity to throw off our own ways and come into His kingdom. He offers us His citizenship. Contrary to common belief, we know that salvation is not just about forgiveness. It is about receiving a new kingdom. When you receive that kingdom, you are no longer a part of your old kingdom. You receive its laws as a part of your life and you adopt its ways of living now as a part of your life. He becomes an active member of your life. Therefore, we are no longer the same. When you are born again, you are born into a new kingdom. You are born into a new creation. You are born into the family of God, a “chosen people,” or a “holy nation.” As in any country, we do not make up our own laws, but rather we follow the rule of the land. And we come to understand for the first time in our lives that our bodies, our minds, and our souls are all part of the dominion of God, and we no longer belong to ourselves.
The transfer that we see in receiving the new kingdom is unmistakable, and we see it in the lives of Paul, Peter, and Thomas. I would like to take a moment to look at their lives specifically. Peter, we know, was the man who denied Christ three times in an act of cowardice, but then he was also the man who was chosen by Jesus to be the leader of the Christian church. Paul persecuted the church of God and was there giving approval for the the stoning of Stephen. Yet, when God came into his life, He brought him so far to the other side, that he spent his life preaching to the people. He was transformed to the point where he wrote two-thirds of the New Testament and pastored many of the New Testament churches. Lastly, we remember Thomas, ‘Doubting Thomas,’ who claimed that he would not believe Jesus rose from the dead unless he put his hands in the holes of Jesus’ hand and was able to put his fist through his side. Yet, Thomas was then the man who Jesus drew by His Spirit to go and preach the good news to the subcontinent of India, where he spent the rest of his life preaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You see, the transfer is unmistakable and when you join the winning team, or the kingdom of God, you will never be the same. Where God will take you, what God will do with you, and how He will use you! Me preaching up here... it's the Lord! It’s a new kingdom! Will you receive it this day? We have to learn to trust His calling because He will always lead us to a place of victory and blessing. What is the future for the kingdom of God? Whatever struggle or persecution, whatever hardship you are facing, we know that we gain strength from knowing the future of what God holds for His kingdom. There is a day when God's kingdom will come to fruition here on this earth. There’s a day that He will come, and He will replace all earthly governments.
Isaiah chapter 9:6-7 says:
“For unto us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
And of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing it and holding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
We see here in this message that the kingdom of God has been conferred, or given, onto the shoulders of Jesus Christ. God gave him the responsibility of this kingdom, and one day God will come and reign on the earth. He will establish His kingdom on the earth, and that day will be announced with the angels in the sky blowing their trumpets, commencing: The reign of Jesus has come upon the earth! It will be a great and terrible day of the Lord. Today, Jesus reigns in the hearts and lives of those who love Him. In that day to come, the lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be questioned; every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. On that day in the future, when God comes to establish his government, He will replace all earthly governments. Also in that day, we will see another side of Jesus, a side that we've never experienced on this earth before. The baby born in a manger will now be wearing a crown and holding a scepter in His hand. The same Jesus that rode in on a donkey will now be riding a white war horse. And Jesus, who submitted himself to sinful men, will now be wielding a sword. On that day, which side will you be on? Will you be there among the brethren, raising your hands, rejoicing at the victory of Jesus Christ, or will you be there among those running for cover?
When we see the future of what tomorrow brings, we know what is important in our lives today. Sin will have a consequence, not only in this age, but also in the one to come. Sin’s consequence is that it hardens the heart, and it desensitizes us from really feeling the consequence of wrongdoing. Sin that is left unchecked infiltrates the areas of our lives. It does not stop. It goes and it invades our relationships, our families, and all areas of our lives to where we are unable to do the work of the Lord. Sin leaves us in confusion and isolated from loved ones and also from God. Ultimately, without the blood of Jesus, sin leaves us on the wrong side of history. When Christ comes back to cleanse the earth of all unrighteousness, living in sin leaves us with a pinny on saying, I'm from the opposite team. When He comes back, will you be there with your own crown on your head, standing toe to toe with the Lord? No! Today He invites you to throw off the crown and to submit to Him. In that day, Jesus will cast down his enemies. If we are still rulers of our own life, then we compete with Him and we stand opposed to His kingdom.
Today, we will not be confused by the message of the mainstream which stands opposed to the kingdom of God. It tries to cause confusion, so that we will be caught unprepared on the day of the Lord. Bill Nye was recently interviewed, saying that it was harmful to teach only creationism to a child. Today, thousands are being sucked into the philosophy started by German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, that says, “God is dead.” Churches all over the United States today preach a watered-down gospel about salvation, but not about a kingdom and receiving its lordship. So our message today is that we are going to preach the true kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through your lives, the world will receive the greatest message that has ever been preached. We are not going to be caught on the wrong side of tomorrow because we are going to allow the lordship of Jesus Christ in our hearts and in our lives so that He will reign in us. Just as Christ was victorious, He wants to be victorious in your life. He wants to do things with you that you never thought possible. In the kingdom of God, every promise is yours. There is nothing that you cannot do through Christ who gives you strength.
Today, there is an assault on the word of God, but tomorrow God will banish all of His enemies with one word from His mouth. Arrogance will never see another day, and everything will be exposed for what it is. For on that day, the sun will be darkened, the brightness of the moon will be dimmed, and the only light that we will see is the light of the glory of Jesus. Every covering, every shroud, every veil, will be lifted and every life exposed for the truth. Money will have no use and we will not be able to buy salvation for ourselves or our families. Houses will not hide people from God's righteous judgment. Excuses for not doing the will of God when we had the chance will now be trivial, and fleshy indulgences will be exposed for what they are. In that day, no one will question the majesty of the Lord. Yet, be rest assured, there will be a day that many will weep because they did not submit to His lordship sooner- I am using this opportunity to teach us a little bit about what the future holds because some of us have never heard- Christ will enter the world again and He will rule from Zion. The saints will be glorified with Jesus Christ, and they will receive a cloak of immortality with Him. The brethren of God will come to His table, and they will judge the world. Heaven and earth will become one. If you think of the earth below and Heaven above, the sky between will literally disappear, and Heaven and earth will become one. It will be a glorified place, a righteous place, where all the wickedness of the world has been dispensed. He said to God, the Father, “let your kingdom come, let your will be done.” This process has already begun, but it culminates with Jesus returning upon the earth.
Revelations 19:6 says:
“Then I heard something like the voice of a vast multitude. The sounds of cascading waters and like the rumbling of loud thunder saying, Hallelujah! Because the Lord our God Almighty has begun to reign.”
Will your voice be among the thunderous sound? Is it your desire today for Him to rule the earth the way He rules over your heart? God wants you to display in this earth the example to everyone- God being Lord over your life. Let Him be the Lord in this earth, let Him be the Lord in your life, let Him come in and be Lord Jesus Christ, Ruler of all. We know in the end the kingdom of God is going to be established here on earth. It ends with His law being establish everywhere, and it ends with His sons and daughters submitted to His rule, ruling with Him in His kingdom. I want us to know even as we conclude this sermon today, that God is offering us His kingdom. There is no messenger that was given in His place. He left his throne, and He comes down. We’re talking about a winning and a losing team, and God wants you to be part of that winning team. We all love a good sports movie, and we root for the underdog. Why is that? We root for them because they have been underestimated, they have been hated, and they have been ridiculed. In every sports movie we have ever watched, we are on the edge of our seat even though we know what is going to happen. We see the scoreboard, we hear the buzzer, the basketball is in the air, and it's about to go into the net… or we see the boxer knocked down to the ground and he is about to get his second wind. We are always wondering who is going to win. The Lord says today that never before in history has the victor ever been called, but you know by reading the Bible who the victor is in the end of the story. The victor is the Lord Jesus Christ.
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