The Fountain of Life and Light – EP52
Psalm 36:9
"For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light."
Hello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. I have great news for all the listeners today and it comes from Psalm 36 verse 9. The word says "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light."
"Are you dry, are you thirsty?"God is saying today that there is a fountain that never runs dry. There is a fountain of life. You see many people choose to drink and live from the fountains of this world. Fountains of money, fountains of things. All these things that are temporary and leave us dry weary and thirsty.
But God says today there is a fountain that never runs dry. There is a fountain that you can drink from and never thirst but find satisfaction in the deapths of your souls.
That fountain is the Lord Jesus.
He said in the scriptures come to me, come to me and drink from the fountain of everlasting rivers of over flowing water. And that water, those waters are the very breath and life that the Lord Jesus gives to those who trust in those who turn to him to drink from this wonderful fountain.
Will you turn to the Lord today? Are you dry are you thirsty? Are you looking for the light of the Lord Jesus. He says come! This scripture says in your light we see light. You see as we drink from that fountain there is a life and a light that begins to flow through our minds and through our hearts.
"Spring up a well in us today God!"In that light we see light, in other words when the light of God is upon us we see that He truly is the light and we take Him to be all that he promised to be... the light of the world who would always guide us to the father who would always guide us into the Kingdom of God and calls us to live in the life in the goodness that He promised.
For with you God is the fountain of life in Your light we see light. Will you drink from the fountain of God today? Will you turn from the world? Would you turn from all other cisterns that are broken and empty and drink from the well of living water?
Spring up a well of life with in us today! Thank you God that you are the fountain, thank you Father that you have sent your light.