The Bride of Christ
Heart of God Articles

Bride of Christ
Who is the Bride of Christ? | What is she? | What is her purpose?
United Faith Church declares that the Bride of Christ is the Church!
"The Church is the Bride of Christ!"We believe that the Church exists to exemplify the oneness of those who follow Christ. The followers demonstrate this power of unity through their love of one another, embracing all of His teachings and following all that He has commanded.
United Faith Church exalts the power of Christ in the Church. While many today would like to do away with the Church, the Bible is clear that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her.
"He died for her, and He will come back to her."The Church has existed since the day 120 disciples met in the upper room. Since that time, pockets of believers, including those at United Faith Church, continue to unite regardless of gender, color, or creed in the unity of Christ. Their mandate is clear: to uphold His Word, to demonstrate His power, and to exalt His Lordship over all creation.
We teach that the Church is powerful and mighty, for she is the body of the living God. We encourage believers not to forsake the meeting together with one another. For just as in the days of Pentecost, God is still making His presence known in the midst of His people.
"We attest that the Church is the most powerful entity in the world."United Faith Church has been privileged to witness the power of God moving in service. As the believers here have exalted the King, He has made His presence known in a very tangible way. We are not foreign to the presence of God. His presence is experienced at each service. His power is evident, just as He has promised.
We attest that the Church is the most powerful entity in the world. Through her prayers and exaltation of the King, miracles happen, morality increases, communities are changed, and people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. An expectation of a greater life makes the soul of the Bride rejoice.
United Faith Church is composed of a diversified group of people that ordinarily would not relate to one another. However, in Christ their unity is clearly evident. We know that the Universal Church will be unified only by the love of Christ.
"Surely He is coming soon and He will take His Bride home with Him!"We proclaim that the intent of the Church is to make known the manifold wisdom of God to all rulers, powers, and authorities. We acknowledge that the Church has the power over all darkness. The Church is radiant and bright. It is by her brightness that she draws all men destined for salvation to her. It is in her courts that they hear the Word of God and are discipled and commissioned to go forth and preach the Gospel.
United Faith Church Barnegat believes that the Church is the refuge for all God’s children. She stretches forth her tent pegs and enlarges her territory, making the sovereignty of Christ known to all nations. She is the Proverbs 31 woman, and her Husband calls her blessed.
United Faith Church stands on the Word that Jesus Christ will come for His Church and all the children she has birthed in her courts. He died for her, and He will come back to her. He loves her with an everlasting love. United Faith Church eagerly awaits the coming of the Groom. Surely He is coming soon and He will take His Bride home with Him!
- beautiful,
- Body of Christ,
- bride,
- children she has birthed,
- discipled and commissioned,
- diversified group,
- everlasting love,
- exemplify the oneness of those who follow Christ,
- groom,
- most powerful entity in the world,
- passionate,
- power,
- powerful and mighty,
- preach the gospel,
- privileged to witness,
- radiance,
- stands on the word,
- the Bride of Christ/