Safe in The Ark of God – EP29 (Genesis 7)
Genesis 7 (Children's Bible)
"I want you to build a great ark for yourself and for your family."

About Jessica
Jessica and her husband, Kris Burke, are dynamic preachers and leaders at United Faith Church. Their sermons speak of the uncompromising Word of God and its transforming power. They have partnered with Jessica’s parents, Pastors Jerry and Janeth Santiago, to maintain the vision their family has received from God for this church.
Hi this is Jessica, you're listening to the Moms for Christ Podcast. So I just wanted to take some time to share with you some of the things that our family is going to be focusing on while we're hunkered down in our homes among the pandemic of the corona or COVID19 virus. Our government officials have asked us to stay home as much as possible as to not spread the virus and we're definitely going to heed that warning and just stay home with the family. It’s a time that we’re to slow down and stay in our homes. Hopefully you have all of the supplies that you need and just staying home and spending time with the family, but really making use of the time that we had to grow our relationship with God, to work on our prayer life, and to grow closer to Him during this very trying and very, for some scary and worrying time. There are some that are filled with worry and anxiety and I just want to share with you a word from the Bible that may really show God 's hand of protection and love for you.
"You and your family will be safe"
So I share this story with my son. We read it to him out of his Bible and I'm going to actually share with you, out of my son who is 3 years old his Bible, this simple story of Noah and his ark. In Genesis 7, and the book says, “I want you to build a great ark for yourself and for your family” and this ark is a box of a boat that was large enough to carry him and all of his family members and that they would be able to ride out the storm and that they would float to safety. That is the promise that God gives us in His word for us and our family and our loved ones and all those that we care about. He saw Noah’s righteousness. He saw that he saw God as his protector and God gave him the answer of how they could be safe. So the Hebrew word for ark is teva and this is the boat that we can hide in, the word of God. And so during this time I just encourage you all to seek out the word of God, seek out his wisdom and his spirit, and work on creating an ark of protection for you and your family where you will be able to ride atop of this wave and that you will be able to flow into safety in the Lord. This ark can be made of, not of gopher wood like Noah had, but an ark of prayer, an ark of thanksgiving, an ark of praise to our God. We know that Jesus was sent as the salvation for all mankind and when you are able to come in and make your place of safety in the work of Jesus Christ, you and your family will be safe and you will not be overtaken by the many waters nor the pestilence nor the darkness that stocks by night.
The Ark of Safety is in the Lord
Today I pray that you and your families would focus on getting into the ark of the Lord and that you would make sure that it is a place of safety, a place of spiritual safety for you and your family and that God would be above you and that he would protect you during these trying times. So let me just pray for you now. God I just thank you for the listeners. I pray that you would enter their homes with your mighty Holy Spirit and that you would be peace in their hearts and that they would find comfort in you during these times. I pray Lord that they would enter into the ark and that they would find your refuge and the safety that you offer, through your son Jesus Christ. I pray that your word would be upon their hearts, that you would lead them and direct them as they open up their bibles and that your Spirit would be tangible for them when they call upon your name. In our time of need you come and you answer our prayer, our cry for help you are always there when those humble themselves before you and cry out for you Lord. So we bow our need before you, Lord. We bow our heads God. We ask you for your help and for your intervention during this time and that you would bring this all to safety. We thank you and in Jesus Christ's name we pray, Amen. God bless you guys, thanks for listening and God be with you!