Rebuilding Our Nation on the Christian Foundation
Heart of God Articles

flock here from all over the world seeking a better life for themselves and their loved ones. America is also number one in the world by far for the amount of foreign aid it provides to other nations, testifying to our country’s great bounty. Yet, there has been a tremendous push to indoctrinate American culture with certain secular philosophies and ideals that do not reflect the principles this nation was founded upon. This indoctrination is placing our country on a path of moral decline that is leading into very treacherous waters. In this modern era, we see American culture rampant with immorality, dishonesty, inequality, and greed.
How did this nation drift so far from where it began? Have we forgotten our roots and God’s intended purpose for this country? Is there any hope for America?
“...the founding fathers adhered to the tenets of Christianity in heart and conduct.”It is important to examine how America came to be such a great nation in the first place. Much like a house, building a strong nation is largely dependent on the quality of its foundation. Despite the claims of modern academia and political progressivism, America was founded on Judeo-Christian roots. This is evident throughout our history, and the examples are everywhere. We can look back to the 17th Century when the Pilgrims and other persecuted Christians left their homes—everything they knew—for the opportunity to come to a new land where they could worship their God freely and live according to His word. After the harrowing two-month journey, they arrived to face exceedingly difficult and deadly living conditions. These Christians were willing to pay a great price for religious freedom. Even way back then, the heart and drive behind the journey to this new land was to worship God and follow the truth of His word, unimpeded by hostile government.
Then we fast-forward to the Revolutionary War in the 18th Century, when America won its independence from Britain. We can all recall that famous story from our history classes when Paul Revere rode to warn the American colonists that the redcoats were coming. Yet, what many modern textbooks leave out is that Paul Revere was actually on his way to a pastor’s house. Pastor Jonas Clarke was hosting John Hancock and Samuel Adams the night Paul Revere rode to his house. Revere would continue on to warn others, but that next morning, it was Pastor Jonas Clarke and about 70 of his parishioners that would help face down 700 British regulars in what would become the first battle of the Revolutionary War. It was this pastor who, when asked to surrender to King George by English troops, shouted back, “We recognize no sovereign but God and no king but Jesus!” The famous cry of Pastor Jonas became the boast of the nation—that the only King over America was the Lord Jesus Christ. This story highlights the great leadership and bravery displayed by the Church here in America, as well as the prominent role God’s people played in attaining its independence. A common thread we also see is the devotion these early American heroes had to the word of God. It was more than a source of inspiration; there was a deep reverence for the truth of God’s word in the most difficult of circumstances and a strong conviction of the lordship of Jesus Christ shown in their actions.
As we reflect on these pivotal figures in our history, we consider America’s founding fathers and their roots in Christianity. It seems that most modern secular teachings attempt to persuade the public of their ‘lack of religion’—historians today desperately try to convince us that many founding fathers like George Washington only followed religion for its utility in unifying his followers. However, when we look at numerous first-hand accounts of these individuals’ personal diaries and other writings, we find that these men honored the governance of what they referred to as divine Providence. In addition, the founding fathers adhered to the tenets of Christianity in heart and conduct. Many of these men were ordained ministers and lay leaders in their churches; they earnestly read their bibles as a source of moral revelation and absolute truth. They did not compromise their faith or dwell in the gray areas in which many leaders today function—in a place of unsettled morals, evershifting truths, and lost values. Congressional meetings were bathed in hours of prayers and petitions, seeking God’s word for direction to make crucial decisions that would establish, protect, and prosper our nation for generations to come. It was not uncommon for the founding fathers to call the entire nation to times of fasting, prayer, repentance, and thanksgiving—acknowledging God as the one who provides, delivers, and sustains the nation through every war and triumph, famine and harvest.
“Was America destined to be a type of New Jerusalem?”Even the very structure of our nation’s government was established on Christian morals and principles. In forming the U.S. Constitution, the founding fathers worked tirelessly, exhausting what they considered to be the best, most truthful and reliable resources available to construct what was to become an exemplary model of law to all nations and would withstand the test of time. Throughout the world, many countries have had to replace their constitutions numerous times, swayed by upheavals and cultural shifts. America, on the contrary, has needed only one constitution over its lifespan of more than two centuries. What did the founding fathers know that other world leaders didn’t? What was their secret? The source. The number one source that the founding fathers relied upon to form the U.S. Constitution, far beyond any other source, was the Holy Bible. They believed in God’s word as the perfect law that is holy, righteous, and good, and that brings true freedom and blessing to all who follow it (Romans 7:12, James 1:25). There was a heeding to God’s determination of justice and to His equitable administration of judgment. The word of God proved to be true, timeless and sure in its power to guide and instruct in the formation and interpretation of our laws and governmental structure.
Today, we see biblical references, principles, and symbols scattered throughout our founding documents, quoted by our nation’s leaders of old, engraved in the courthouses and national monuments, and stamped on our money. They remind us that the word of God was held in high esteem as the source of truth and life to direct the establishment of this country. God’s word promises to bless a nation where righteousness can be found. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). It is evident that America has been blessed immensely for centuries as a result of building on a foundation of God’s truth and precepts. This nation triumphed miraculously in the direst of circumstances, winning battles and wars that, by all accounts, should have been an impossibility. We have, and by no coincidence, been uniquely positioned by Providence to benefit greatly during several world-changing events. Furthermore, the bounty this country has produced has been enough to feed and support countless nations. And we cannot forget the thousands upon thousands of missionaries that have been sent from this nation to preach the Gospel throughout the world, establishing churches and ministries that still stand strong today. Truly when we think of how God’s mighty hand has been upon this nation, we can hear the words of that beloved patriotic anthem, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee...”
Reflecting upon these truths, we are inspired to contemplate why God has blessed the United States of America in such a way. Could it be that God had a purpose for this nation all along? Was America destined to be a type of New Jerusalem? —a city on a hill? Perhaps she was called to shine as a physical emblem of what will be in Heaven, where all will be free to worship their God! —an object of God’s blessing and favor! It was with great sacrifice, prayer, and seeking that this nation was so uniquely built and established on a firm biblical foundation. Might it be that in God’s sovereignty, our culture was destined to be steeped in the richness of godly character and godly works, so that we might be a light to all other nations? Perhaps this nation was always meant to be vibrant and alive in its freedom to worship God.
“The blessings that have come to this country in years past were the fruit of a faithful Church.”Sadly, when we look at America today, it seems that she has drifted far from her God-given purpose. This nation has lost her moral compass and is headed into the dark waters of depravity. While many scholars and experts point to a slew of reasons behind the degradation of our nation’s culture in this day and age, the simple truth is that we as a country have traded the true life we had, radiant and refreshing as it is, for a lie. The drivers of our country’s culture—academia, modern media, politics, Hollywood, etc.—feed into this lie that tells us to pursue a selfish life, to have it our way. This lie that says life is about pleasing oneself has invaded America’s culture. How did our nation arrive at such a state? We find the truth in God’s word. Romans 1:25 says, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator...” Serving self rather than God has become the way of life for many Americans today. The Scripture continues on to say that God gave them over to what they wanted—their own sinful desires—leading to a state of grave depravity. In our culture today, we hear constantly about living your best life, following your heart, or doing whatever makes you happy. However, the reality is that the ‘self-life’—the pursuit after our own selfish desires—is really no life at all.
This did not happen overnight—the state that our nation has come to began some time ago, when Americans decided it was worthwhile to pursue a shallow lifestyle at the cost of their inward convictions. The nation has shifted its societal values and sense of morality to match the latest ideas and popular trends. The heart of America hardened toward the pure word of God that brings humility, love, and wisdom for all aspects of life, and it began to beat for temporary things that shine—money, fame, pleasure. America has lost the anchor that grounded her in the biblical morals and principles upon which she was founded. The effects have infiltrated our nation at every level—our homes, schools, communities, and government. Prayer to God and the study and practice of the Scriptures used to be an integral part of our culture in each of these areas, but they have since been stripped of them. Where it was once understood in our courthouses that our laws were written to protect our freedom to worship God, today we see a growing opposition that seeks to hinder or remove these rights by distorting or changing the laws to mean something that was never intended by our founding fathers. In our communities and homes, the law of God no longer carries weight in everyday decisions. Even the most basic institutions we once cherished are in some ways unrecognizable today; family and marriage were meant to be a reflection of the love and unity of God. Yet, today you find discord, divorce, and division among parents and families, leaving children broken with no sense of identity or morality. These compromises have had long-lasting effects, and will continue to impact generations to come if we do not change.
What happens when a nation becomes consumed with the things of this world instead of serving God? Let’s further examine what the Scriptures say: “For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined” (Isaiah 60:12). The end game for a nation who chooses to reject the Lord is utter ruin. The opposite is true for a nation who acknowledges God as Lord of all: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12). The lifeblood of a nation is found in its fidelity to God’s truth. When the people of a nation disconnect from God, believing they can move and function without Him, there we find death. A dead culture is a culture that is blind to its need for a Savior, unthankful for God’s goodness, and hardened to the truth of His word. As this attitude permeates a nation, its effects can be seen, felt, and heard. There, we find a dead culture without the life of truth.
“As the true Church in America begins to humble herself and pray to the Almighty God, the Life of Truth will come into her and awaken this nation!”Is there any hope for us today? And what role do God’s people play in all of this? The answer is found in the word of God: “...if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Notice the Scripture says “my people,” meaning the Church—the body of Christ. God chooses to work through His people who serve Him to restore a nation back unto Him. Ephesians 3:10 says, “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms…” The Church is called to boldly stand on God’s word, to be that shining city on a hill, to be the tip of the spear and the true driver of culture. The blessings that have come to this country in years past were the fruit of a faithful Church. And all this cultural chaos that we are seeing now is fruit just the same—fruit of compromising the word of God, watering down the Gospel, and raising children who do not fear the Lord. The cultural drivers today would not have been able to move forward in such success if those who call themselves Christians were upholding and living that radiant, refreshing and radical life of truth. If we as the Church have such a great call—to bring God’s Kingdom here to Earth just as it is in Heaven, why are we seeing so many forfeiting that inheritance for worldly things? Why are they getting mired in the lifeless toil that our current culture tries to peddle as new and fresh?
The true Church does not look like the world. There is a clear distinction, and we need to see this distinction once again in America. The true Church believes we are not here to make our life on Earth just a little more enjoyable, but to build God’s Kingdom, and there is no room for self there. The role of the true biblical Church is not to be a once-a-week social club, but rather a culture-changing, culture-defining, culture-leading institution of the highest order. The Church is not a place of empty religion, but a holy assembly of the family of God—filled with nurturing relationships that reflect the oneness of God. Her children are raised not to gratify themselves, but rather to be filled with love for God and a desire to serve Him. Her goal is not to teach this young generation that life is about being happy, but that true life, peace, and joy are found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, the true Church is the greatest institution the world has ever known, and every nation where God’s people have turned to Him and served Him has been abundantly blessed. America has been a shining example of this, but our culture has taken a turn for the worst. The true Church must arise and take her place if we are to see America shine once again.
“It is time to rebuild.”As the true Church in America begins to humble herself and pray to the Almighty God, the Life of Truth will come into her and awaken this nation! The Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). As the true Church awakens to Jesus Christ, this starts a spark of revival, and that spark must be fanned into flame. In John 8:31-32 Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The raging fire of revival is kindled with abiding in the truth of God’s word. We can recall in Acts 2 how the apostles were gathered on the Day of Pentecost, praying and waiting upon the Lord in obedience to the instructions Jesus gave them. As the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of truth—came upon them like tongues of fire and coursed through them, the first revival meeting was held and three thousand were saved! God used just a few people to birth the world-wide Church that would shake the nations for ages to come. As the true Church awakens and abides in the life-giving word of God, the revival fire will begin to spread throughout the nation.
Church, do we believe that just a few people can change a nation? Do we believe that Jesus Christ is all we need to know? That in Him, we find true life? That we are His body, called to establish His kingdom here in this land and to finish the work that our forefathers began? Brothers and Sisters, do we believe that God could use us for such a time as this?
Our country is ripe for revival. The fields are white and ready for harvest, but it requires us to turn from the cultural drivers of our day and turn to Jesus as the final revelation of life and truth. He is the hope for our nation (Matthew 12:21). Where the radiant and refreshing life of Christ is, where His truth reigns, there we find a nation and a people who are blessed by God. It is time to rebuild. May we return to God and rebuild our nation on the only sure foundation—Christ Jesus, our Lord.