Overcoming By The Spirit – EP42 (John 16:33)
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
jesus has overcome the world
Hi, everyone! It's Tania, and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. A Word that God has been speaking to me comes from the book of John, chapter 16, verse 33, and it says: “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
"Christ in them will allow them to overcome the world!"And this Word is so exciting. It's so encouraging because Jesus is such a good Father; He has such a loving heart that He is preparing His disciples for a time when He will no longer physically be with them, but Christ in them will allow them to overcome the world! He's telling them, you know, “In this world, you are going to have trouble. In this world, you are going to face hardships. In this world, things are going to get difficult; but I have overcome the world. I have overcome every obstacle. I have overcome every sin. I have overcome everything that would stop you from getting to know the Father and coming close to Him.”
This Word is just so exciting because it says that we don't have to do this life on our own— that the Holy Spirit is sent, and it's the Holy Spirit that overtakes those things in our lives that were meant to overtake us. You know, for most people there’s always going to be something in this world that will overtake us. And so many people walk through this life never even realizing that they have been overtaken. Some of the ways that people become overtaken is through pride, and lust, and lies; but God's Holy Spirit comes, and He shows us those things so that we can get rid of them. He shows us those things so that we can see the things that are keeping us from the Father, and come closer to the Father.
"We know that God is the Great Physician"It's funny, I think of children, especially babies, and how they don't like medicine. It's almost a fight with this little, tiny baby to get them to take medicine. We know that God is the Great Physician and when we take Him in every day, through His Word and spending time with Him— when He is enough— He shows us things that keep us away from the Father. If we take Him in every day, Him speaking and His Spirit is meant to bring life into us because it's only through the Holy Spirit that we truly come to life, that we truly understand life, that we truly begin to live.
"They were meant to walk in the Holy Spirit, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them and to guide them"I want my children to know while they're young that they need that medicine, that every single day they need to take the Holy Spirit in because it's life and without it they will die. Without the Holy Spirit, they'll be overtaken because they were never meant to live this life on their own. They were never meant to do it on their own; they were meant to walk in the Holy Spirit, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead them and to guide them. We encourage our children by just speaking to them, and we really want them to look to God when they don't know the answers to something, to spend the time getting to know the Lord, to spend the time in His Word seeking His will, and listening for His voice to speak to them. I tell my kids to listen and, you know, that voice that is speaking to them when they want to do the wrong thing, and the wrong thing is in their heart, and they hear a voice saying, “No, that's not the way. No, don't do it that way”— to listen to it because it's life.
"The Holy Spirit is where life is found."So, would you just join me today as we pray for the children that they would begin to allow the Holy Spirit to completely fill them; that they would begin to come into all that the Holy Spirit has for them, and that they would begin to learn, to lean, and listen because the Holy Spirit is where life is found. And Lord, we just thank you. Thank you so, so much for your Word. Thank you so much, Lord, that you give this word, Lord God, because your desire is for your children, your people, to know you, to come into a relationship with you, to come to know you like never before. You desire to heal your people and to have your people walk honoring and obeying you because your desire is for them to live, and not just any life, a life abundantly. And so, Lord, we thank you that you have called us to live, Lord; that you have called us to live a life abundantly full of you, full of your Spirit. And Lord, we pray that our children would come into a life full of knowing you, full of your Spirit. Lord, we just bless them and we thank you. Amen.
And that's the prayer: that our children would get to know the Father, that they would be filled with His Spirit, and that His Spirit would be what leads them all the days of their life. God bless you, and have a wonderful week. I will speak to you soon.