Old Fashioned is Still Fashionable

Ever have the experience where something that seems “old-fashioned” somehow makes its way back into the spotlight? For example, the famous Chuck Taylor basketball shoes. Most people can immediately identify the large star on the side of those simple, yet always in-style sneakers.
Many might not realize that Chuck Taylor sneakers have been around since the 1930’s! It’s not always common that something so old-fashioned can remain in fashion. Not unless that something is exceptional!
“The strongest foundation is one built on the fear of the Lord...”
There’s an important lesson in this for the Church today. The Lord has given His Church something timeless in its value that never goes out of style: the fear of the Lord. If we had a perfect example of this truth, it would be the first Church. What was it about the first Church that made it so powerful? The key to the power of God within the first Church was that they were, “Living in the fear of the Lord…” (Acts 9:15)
There was unity, there was love, there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but ultimately it was rooted in a foundational key. The first Church lived, not partially, not sometimes, but always in the fear of the Lord.
Sadly, it seems like the fear of the Lord has gone “out of style” for most of the modern-day Church in America.
“Without the fear of the Lord in our lives, there is no foundation to carry the weight”
When you listen to many of today’s Christian podcasts, television series, or read faith-based books, it’s hard to find any mention or reference to the fear of the Lord. Instead, you can find an abundance on topics of God’s love, faithfulness, and even provision. All of these attributes about God are good but dangerously unbalanced without the fear of the Lord. You cannot have a pure love for the Lord, or even understand any other of His wonderful attributes until you begin fearing Him.
Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The fear of the Lord makes us wise in knowing God. It causes a hatred of sin, and anything that would become an idol before Him. The fear of the Lord weighs in our heart the consequence of rebellion and disobedience and reminds us of the wrath and judgment of God to come.
Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and shun evil.” The result of godly fear in our lives is that it makes room for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus to become the sweetest, most hopeful message we could ever receive and hold to.
Due to the lack of, and for some, the complete absence of the fear of the Lord among the people of God, the world has infiltrated the Church rather than the Church impacting the world.
Without the fear of the Lord in our lives, there is no foundation to carry the weight of the Great Commission to a perishing world. God cannot entrust us with His presence and power to do His work. There’s no true repentance and humbling to allow for hardened hearts to soften to the move of His Holy Spirit.
Some say that that’s an “old-fashioned” Christianity that was for “holy rollers" and old timers. But the Word of God says, “Fear the Lord you, His saints. For those who fear Him will lack no good thing” (Psalm 34).
“...a foundation of true fear and reverence for the Lord.”
The fear of the Lord is never out of style. It is that old-fashioned, God-rooted fear that was fashionable for the first Church at Pentecost, and still fits perfectly for the Church today. Every good thing that the Lord desires to build upon His Church must be laid only on a foundation of true fear and reverence for the Lord.
Can we challenge ourselves to come back individually and corporately to the foundation that cannot be overcome? The strongest foundation is one built on the fear of the Lord that will always be relevant and the key to opening the doors of God’s favor and power.