How Can a Young Person Find Their Way in a Chaotic World?
Heart of God Articles

How does a young person learn to navigate through this life? In a world filled with such chaos, young people are constantly being bombarded with messages that pull them in every direction—illicit drug use, alcohol consumption, sexual exploits, partying, excessive spending, and ‘living your best life now.’ Is there any hope for our young people today?
A simple answer on how to make it through this complex world may not seem so apparent, but there is good news! God has given His people instructions for life—a “blueprint.” This blueprint is the very word of God. As Christians, we are called to rely on the word of God above all else as our ultimate source of truth, counsel, wisdom, and instruction to guide our daily lives, including the decisions we make, the values we hold, and the way that we live. What message does the Bible have for our young people today? Psalm 119:9 says,“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.”
“...a young person must demonstrate their faith in action by living according to the word of the Lord.”This Scripture tells us that there is a path of purity that is available to young people today. Not only is there a path, but we are also seeing that it is possible for a young man or woman to stay on the path of purity—remaining true and pure before God—throughout all the days of their youth and young adult life. To find this path, a young person must believe that the word of God is the ultimate source of truth that guides them to know right from wrong in all areas of life. Psalm 33:4 says, “For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” For the young person who embraces and trusts God’s faithfulness to His word, they learn to honor and obey the word of God above their own thoughts and ways. The word of God rises above their own words and the words of those around them because, as the Scripture says, it is always right and true. This means that God’s word takes precedent as the one true source that outweighs the words of television, radio, social media, celebrities, politicians, and any other source; it becomes the faithful guide on life’s journey. A young person who learns to tune in to God’s word and tune out the noise of this world will truly find their way to the path of purity.
The Psalmist asks how a young person can stay on the path of purity. It is one thing to start a race and another to finish that race. Likewise, more than simply saying they believe in the word of God, a young person must demonstrate their faith in action by living according to the word of the Lord. To remain on the path of purity is to be pure toward God in the midst of a world that is filled with everything that sets itself up against God. This is made possible through discipleship. Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to make other disciples, teaching them to obey his teachings (Matthew 28:19-20). A disciple of Jesus Christ learns from a spiritually mature Christian to come to know and live by God’s word according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Much like an athlete receives training to excel in their sport, a young person receives training in righteousness as a disciple of Jesus Christ in order to excel in God’s kingdom (2 Timothy 3:16). This is why being part of a community of true Christians is so important. Through such a community, the church functions as the body of Christ—trained to move together in the unity and purpose of the will of God, with Christ Jesus as the Head and His word of God as the firm foundation. A young person learns to stand on this foundation and grow through discipleship, seeing the example lived out by others. This is the path that Jesus established for us—He is the Way (John 14:6). He was the Word made flesh, coming to Earth fully God and fully man, to show us by example what it means to live for God.
“Christ came in the flesh to show us the example of what it means to live for God.”The example of Christ demonstrated through biblical discipleship in the Church is the standard young people need today. In the Church, a young person can receive guidance and instruction from a more spiritually mature believer to learn how to obey God’s word and be led by His Spirit. The discipleship process allows a young person to grow and thrive in their relationship with God and come into unity with the Church—the body of Christ. The Church is also where young people are meant to encounter the presence of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit since it is only through the infilling of the Spirit of holiness that enables a young person to live out the word of God. When a young person is surrounded by godly people whose lives show fruit of a true, Spirit-filled relationship with God (faith that produces obedience, power over darkness, humble servanthood, knowing God’s voice, wisdom, love for God and His people), that young person can see the path of purity more clearly and can readily follow others as they follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). After all, none of us lives for ourselves alone, and the Church is meant to function as a body where we have a relationship with God and one another as His family, growing and moving together heavenward, in Christ, who is the Way for us.
In the process of living by the word of God, that word will become for the young person a light unto their feet, something that shines brightly in the midst of fear, uncertainty, doubt, lies, and anything else that would try to hinder their walk with God. The practice of living out the word of God makes that word a firm foundation that remains standing when everything else seems to be shaking. What does it mean to live “according to the word of God?” Young people must learn to dig deep to ask the Lord to show them the truth about themselves and to measure how their lives align with the word of God. The Bible was never meant to be abstract; it is practical to guide and powerful to transform. As Psalm 119 continues, verses 10-11 say, “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” In this world filled with countless things that draw people away from God and toward the world, the only possible way to stand firm is to stand in the truth of the word of God. We’ve often heard the saying, “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” This is especially true for young people in this world. A young man or woman who learns to humbly accept the word planted in them (James 1:21) will come to treasure God’s word as priceless, as something worth more than any amount of money or fame. They will learn that a word from the Lord has the power to guide, instruct, correct, teach, rebuke, encourage (2 Timothy 3:16); it is able to accomplish exactly what it is sent out for and will never come back void (Isaiah 55:11). Christ came in the flesh to show us the example of what it means to live for God. As His Spirit comes upon a young person who faithfully seeks after God and humbly submits to His word, that person is empowered to walk in the will of God. Through this power bestowed on them by God, they demonstrate the very essence and nature of God in every facet of their life. There is a reflection of Christ Jesus in the things they do and speak.
“Young people who walk in obedience to the Lord Jesus bear the fruit of God.”Young people were never called to indulge in the vices this world has to offer and all of the shallow things that leave them empty and hollow, without joy, and void of the most important thing: relationship with God. Nothing compares to learning to walk, talk, and move with the Lord Jesus and be led by His Spirit. It is in relationship with Him, first and foremost, that a young person is meant to find fulfillment and purpose. They come to realize that living by the word of God is not just about following some set of rules and regulations—it’s about having a real relationship with the living God! It’s about coming to know Him in an intimate way, growing to be one with the Father who created us—to see Him as worthy of our love, our efforts, and our affection—to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice unto Him, holy and blameless (Romans 2:12). Living according to the word is to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, souls, mind, and strength. It is not about religiously following words on a page, it’s about those words coming to life within us as God brings them to life through His Spirit. And as He moves, and we work hand in hand with Him, we come to wholly believe something; living by His word is not a burden, but rather it is vital and a treasure in and of itself. It is His word combined with the power of His Holy Spirit that gives strength to stand, strength to endure, and strength to say no to ungodliness. In this present age where we are surrounded by lies, darkness, and things that set themselves up above God, we have been given everything we need to live godly lives (2 Peter 1:3).
Praise God for His mighty word that teaches and empowers us to live godly lives in this chaotic world through the Lord Jesus Christ. Living according to the word is living in the lordship of Christ Jesus, for He is the Word! Young people who walk in obedience to the Lord Jesus bear the fruit of God. When they come to know Him and follow Him with the presence of His Spirit within them, it’s only a matter of time before something new is birthed—a new nature that bears peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, forbearance, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Even at a young age, they walk as new creations in Christ!
In a world where so many are following the things that fade, there are still young people who are set apart to follow the word of God that never fades. By the truth of His word, young people can turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, and come into their new destiny with Him. Then, they will truly find their way in this world. Once they find their feet on that path of purity, they will never look back!