What We Do
Our Feeding Program picks up children and provides them nutritious and well-balanced meals and desserts five times a week.
Additionally, we supply many of our families with food baskets every two weeks, which include basic essentials such as rice, beans, eggs, and milk.
We evaluate each child and family to determine their need. Our goal is to partner with their parent to give the child a chance to succeed. In a country where children are born into poverty, we are truly changing lives!

Feeding Program

Youth Playing
In a poverty-stricken, gang-infested region, Iglesia Fe Unida provides a safe haven for all of our kids. Many of the teachers serving there today were those we raised in the church from the time they were babies.
We have many engaging events for the children and youth each week, including crafts, dynamic lessons, games, songs, and a game room for the kids to play. Food and drinks are always provided.
There are also many outings and field trips provided for the children to experience life outside of the city. For most, this is their only chance to play in a park, swim in a pool, or to simply run, play, laugh and just be kids.
"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"