Faith That Moves Mountains
Heart of God Articles

"Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them" (Mark 11:23).
What did Jesus mean when He made such a profound statement? Here, Jesus is teaching His disciples about an incredible mystery. Faith—something that is unseen—causes physical change in the things that can be seen in this world.
We serve an unseen spiritual God who created the physical world in which we live. The Bible teaches in Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Could it be that God is still bringing forth physical changes and transformations through His Spirit today? The answer is YES, and the key to all of it is FAITH.
“The evidence of our sonship is putting faith into practice every day...”In the book of James, we are taught that faith without deeds is no faith at all. Rather, the very evidence of faith is a person moving and working in that of which they have already been convinced, even when it has not yet been manifested in physical form. It’s not so different from anything else in life. When we are convinced that a college degree will benefit our futures, we go and sign up for classes, pay thousands of dollars, and spend countless hours doing homework. Our bodies do what we believe. And so, our faith in God is made complete as our bodies respond to do the work of God. It is fascinating to ponder how the spiritual realm and the physical realm are always interacting. We were created as spirit beings who live in physical bodies. What we do physically by faith affects the spirit realm and visa versa. When we believe in God’s word and act on it by faith, the power and truth of that spiritual word is seen, heard, and felt in this physical world. Our lives should become a physical demonstration of God’s character and power which, in turn, allows the Spirit of Christ to touch others—opening their eyes and ears to the spiritual realm, showing who the Heavenly Father really is.
How incredible that the Spirit of Christ can compel us to move and speak in a heavenly way while we are on Earth! In fact, Romans 8:14 tells us that this is the very evidence of the sons of God. It says, “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” Only those who walk according to faith are the children of God—they will inherit His Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:50 explains that flesh and blood, our physical bodies, cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Those who look to please God in their flesh by only doing what they feel physically capable of accomplishing will perish. The evidence of our sonship is putting faith into practice every day, causing our flesh to die and the Spirit to rise. For flesh can only inherit things of this world, but those who live by the Spirit will inherit that which is imperishable! The children of God are led by the Spirit of God and will demonstrate true faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are filled with eternal gratitude and awe that God has made a way for us to be co-heirs with Christ as we are born again and live by the Spirit, thus demonstrating our sonship and guaranteeing our heavenly inheritance!
In view of God’s great mercy to us, we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). It is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and all that He has done that compels us, in love, to offer our bodies to be used by the Holy Spirit. The influence of the Holy Spirit overtaking our flesh is seen in the physical in how we move, what we speak, and where we go.
“True Christians must tap into the unseen power… bringing heavenly miracles to Earth...”The Bible provides us with insight into the ways that the Spirit of God can work through His faithful people to change circumstances. When we study the wars in the Old Testament, we notice something truly amazing. There was always a win for God’s people when men and women of faith responded to God in action. For example, we can look at the battle of Jericho in Joshua 6 and examine how the spiritual and physical worked together to bring forth the will of Heaven on Earth. The Lord spoke to Joshua and gave instructions on how to defeat Jericho. In response to the spirit, Joshua and his army marched around the wall of Jericho with the ark of the covenant and trumpets. On the 7th day, they marched around the city 7 times and at Joshua’s command, the people shouted. The physical ‘marching and shout’, in obedience to what God had spoken, brought about a spiritual action (the power of God coming down) that caused the wall of the city to collapse. It wasn’t that their actions, in and of themselves, were anything special. Think about it. They marched around the city, blew a horn, and gave a loud shout. Yet, because they believed and obeyed God’s word, choosing to fight with spiritual weapons (faith and worship) rather than in their own strength, their actions brought the physical power of Heaven to Earth. Those impenetrable walls were demolished by a loud shout! It was faith in their God that directed the army’s actions and led them into victory, and God was glorified. We see the same with God giving victory to His people over the Egyptian army at the Red Sea, Gideon leading the Lord’s army to defeat the Midianites, Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, and so much more.
True Christians must tap into the unseen power in which the spiritual commands the physical, bringing heavenly miracles to Earth in the physical realm. The Bible speaks about being a noble vessel for God to use. What is more noble than our bodies being used to demonstrate the power of God, the character of God, and the very heart of God?! God was ready to take down the walls of Jericho, but He wanted His people to shout and worship Him in order to accomplish that supernatural wonder. How incredible that the Holy Spirit would choose to do the work of the Father on this earth through us when we simply believe. How glorious that we can hear God’s Spirit and obey, revealing the very essence and strength of God—that our bodies could be used in the same way as the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who always looked to fulfill the work of the Father while on the earth. Now we understand Jesus’ words, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these...” (John 14:12).
“The power of God is unlimited! There is nothing that our God cannot do.”There is nothing more exciting than the life of a Christian! Living a life of faith removes the boundaries that are seen by our eyes and heard by our ears. An individual of faith is aware of the things that go on in the world, but knows that there is a higher power that can overturn any situation. Living in faith means walking, hearing, speaking, and trusting what God says regardless of the way a situation may appear or what people may say. This life is depicted in 2 Corinthians 5:7 which declares, “...we walk by faith not by sight.” It is the glory of God to show Himself strong by upholding His people in all circumstances as they remain faithful. Simply put, a person of faith cannot be stopped from acknowledging and demonstrating the power of God, believing against all odds. People of faith put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the solid Rock; they are persistent, steadfast, strong, and true. Wherever they unite together, we witness the true power of the Church!
The Church today is called to be God’s army, working together to accomplish His will as the body of Christ. At United Faith Church, we have seen God’s miracles come forth as we gather in faith and obey what the Lord is leading us to do. We say, “Lord use us!” And He does! There are no words to explain what we have witnessed other than the supernatural power of God to heal, deliver, and break through. He accomplishes this through our actions. He gives the word, and we respond. As we have stretched forth our hands in response to God’s Spirit, we have witnessed barren wombs healed. We have seen broken men and women healed with a touch of God’s love through a pastor’s hug. We testify to the giftings of the Spirit being ushered in through the laying on of hands. We also testify that the power of God transcends geographical barriers! As the church was called to unite in faith and pray against a category 5 hurricane headed for a third-world country, that hurricane diminished to a tropical storm.
The power of God is unlimited! There is nothing that our God cannot do. How humbling to know that in His perfect design, God chose to create a physical realm in which He allows people like you and me to partake in His victory. His army is the Church, and she does not fight with ordinary weapons. As the apostle Paul states to the church in 2 Corinthians 10:4, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” God’s people defeat every stronghold that holds back the plans of God through the powerful weapon of FAITH in action. And so, can faith move mountains? The answer is YES! Faith in God can literally move every mountain that stands in the way of God’s plan coming forth on the earth.
May the Church awaken, that she may pray, teach, and minister in the understanding that it is the power of the Most High God moving through her to influence this physical world with the divine plans of Heaven.