Ends of the Earth Your Possession

Pastor Kris Burke
Word of the Week

Ask me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.Psalm 2:8


While praying today the Lord was bringing up owning land to me. Some of us might own land in the physical but the Lord wants to know what land we own in the spiritual.

In Biblical times, there were constant battles over land. Whenever the Lord was moving on behalf of His people, their land always increased and spread out.

But do we own any land? What land have we fought for and taken from the enemy? What land have we taken over and devoted to God? Taking over land starts with our hearts and households and continues to grow. As the church claims our stake of property in the physical, Gods people must claim the land in the spiritual.  Let us ask God to continue to give us the land in which we reside.

Lord, let us make an impact wherever we walk. May it start in our homes, move to the community and continue to expand throughout this world.



