Casting Your Anxiety on the Lord – EP82 (1Peter 5:7)
1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
Hi everyone. It’s Tania and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. The Word that I have today comes from 1 Peter, chapter 5, verse 7. And it says, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”
Over the past few weeks the Lord continues to speak this Word to me. The Lord is so sweet to speak this Word. In a time where there is such uncertainty, we can find certainty in the Lord. Peter wrote this letter to the Christians being persecuted in Rome. There were unimaginable decisions that had to be made by the people in that time. This Word is a Word of reassurance reminding the people then, as well as us today, to cast our worries, fears, and troubles on the One who cares for us. God is a good Father who desires for us to seek Him in everything. He wants to be the One who leads us in every situation because He knows exactly what we need.
"He knows the beginning as well as the end of each of our lives."The other day I was talking to my son. He mentioned that someone told his class that they believed that the students were smarter than their parents. I asked him what he thought about that. He laughed and said that he thought it was ridiculous. He understood that his father and I have experienced so much more in our lives than he has. Kyle also understood that we're his parents - we want what is best for his life.
It's the same with the Lord - the One who has been since the beginning of time. He knows the beginning as well as the end of each of our lives. When I look at my own life and the times I thought I knew better, I see the mess I made, the hurt I caused. When I tried to handle it on my own I remember the sleepless nights that led to nothing, the suffering I put myself through that led to a dead end. When we give God our worries and fears, the Lord directs us in the way we should go. Our minds can rest at ease knowing that as long as we are obedient, the One who cares for us is in control - no matter how it looks to us, God's got it! He is leading us in His will.
A few years ago, our family went away for a few days. Taylor knew about the trip; unfortunately, she was more nervous than excited. She was worried about being away from home for so long. She worried about our dog, she worried about sleeping in a new place, and the list continued. The Sunday before the trip, her Sunday school teacher taught the children this verse. She gave each child a box with a hole on top of it. The children were instructed to write their fears and anxieties on a piece of paper and put it in the box. The box was meant to represent Jesus. The next day, as we headed on our trip, I told Taylor she could bring the box. In the beginning of our trip, she wrote down her fears; on the second day, she wrote a little less; by the third day I asked her, ‘What happened to the box?’ She said she didn't need it. She gave God her fears, and she knew He was in control. God had it, and she didn't have to worry about those things any longer. She still has the box to this day as a reminder, even though she has learned to give God her worries and trust Him because He loves her. She knows He wants what's best for her.
Lord, You are amazing. There is no God like You. You are awesome in all that You do. Thank You for the love You have shown us. Thank You that we don't have to figure the chaos of our lives out on our own, but that we can come to You, the One who cares for us and You lead us in the way that is right. Lord, let us be a people who give You all our anxieties because we trust You. Amen. God bless and have a wonderful week, I will speak to you again soon.