A Word of Life – EP88 (Mark 15:37-38)
Mark 15:37-38
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
Hi everyone. It's Tania and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. A Word that the Lord has been speaking to me comes from Mark chapter 15 verses 37 to 38 and it says, “With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.”
"As we move with Him, He feeds us His Word, filling us with life. "The other day, the girls and I went to the park. In the park, they have bird blinds where you can observe birds without disturbing them. We had the pleasure of watching a white crane. This bird was beautiful. As we watched, I asked my girls to stop talking and just sit quietly for a moment. As we watched this bird, I noticed for several minutes, he sat quietly as well, listening, watching, waiting and then boom! He made his move, catching his morning meal.
God began to speak to me. He was showing me how we are called to be just like that crane, listening, waiting, and watching so we know how to move. As we move with Him, He feeds us His Word, filling us with life. God speaks and His Word is the bread of life.
When we move according to our own ways, we starve spiritually. In this verse it says, “With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last…” We know from the book of John chapter 19 verse 30 Jesus spoke a Word and that Word is, “It is finished.” Everything had been fulfilled so that you and I can be free, no longer bound by the old covenant but coming into a new covenant with God.
"God spoke and it changed everything for me in that moment, giving me peace or direction, filling me with life."When that curtain tore from top to bottom, it signified the tearing of the old covenant and the beginning of a whole new covenant. Jesus being the High Priest going into the Holy Place, atoning for our sins. His blood covering us, not the blood of goats and lambs, which can never atone for our sins but His perfect blood that cleanses us from unrighteousness. When that curtain tore in two, it broke the separation between man and God, allowing us to hear and speak to Him, no longer separated. Jesus' words signify the fulfillment of everything He had come to accomplish because His Word is a Word of power.
It's the power to completely transform our lives. He speaks and we move with Him. I can personally testify of times in my life when I was alone or scared, not knowing what to do and God spoke and it changed everything for me in that moment, giving me peace or direction, filling me with life. I am praying that our children will come into that same relationship with the Lord, no matter the circumstance, stopping and listening so that they would be given a Word of life.
Thank You Lord that You still speak. That You are speaking even now. Thank You for the mighty work that You have done on the cross. Thank You Lord that You have loved us and that You have come Lord to break the old way of doing things. Thank You that Your Word brings life to us. God bless and have a wonderful week. I will speak to you again soon!