A Light To Our Path – EP49 (Ps. 119:105)
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
the light of the holy spirit
Hi, everyone! It’s Tania, and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. The Word that I have today comes from Psalms chapter 119, verse 105, and it says: “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” This Word speaks of the Lord leading us through the dark world, lighting the way, showing us the way that He wants us to go, showing us the way to stay in His will, on His path.
Recently, my family went to the beach, but we went late at night, and my husband brought along headlights for himself and the kids because he knew I probably wouldn’t wear them. And as we walked along the shore, I quickly realized I needed a headlight of my own. So, we could see, but we could barely see in front of us, and we definitely couldn’t see what was at least a foot ahead of us. I needed to lean on my husband for his light because I didn’t have a light of my own yet.
"...without the light, we would have missed the beautiful treasure..."And we teach our children that it’s the same with the Lord— that the world is dark. We are going to be those that step out into that darkness! Sometimes, when we don’t have enough of that Holy Spirit, we lean on our parents, or on our pastors, or on our youth group leaders until we have a light of our own. As we walked along the shore, we saw all sorts of things. We saw a cranky crab. We even saw a baby shark! It really got me thinking about how if I didn’t have that light, I probably would have stepped on that crab or the baby shark. But what would’ve been worse is that, without the light, we would have missed the beautiful treasure that washes up on the shore every night, and it washes up in the form of shells and small animals and small creatures.
"The light is the Holy Spirit that leads us..."The light is the Holy Spirit that leads us and guides us on the way that we should go, and as we stay on that path, it protects us from the things of the world. We teach our children we need it for life, and the Holy Spirit leads them in the way that they should go. So, would you just join me today in prayer as we pray for the children that they would learn to bring the Holy Spirit with them every single day, that they wouldn’t step out into the world in the darkness without the light, and that they would begin to cultivate the light that the Lord has given them until they can walk with a light of their own.
The light of the Holy Spirit.Lord, we thank you so much for these children! We thank you so much that you have given your Word, Lord, and you have allowed us to come, Lord, and grow in that Word— that you have given a Word, Lord, that speaks, showing us the way that we should go, that you have given your Holy Spirit that leads us through this darkness and allows us to see, Lord, the treasure that you have for us each and every day. Lord, I pray that these children would not walk missing the treasure that you have, but Lord, that they would be those that would be running along life picking up every piece of treasure that you have for them— and seeing that the treasure is getting to know you. The treasure is a relationship with you. The treasure is walking with you and growing close to you. And so, Lord, would you please just continue to raise up these children that they would grow in a relationship with you and learn to walk with you being their light, leading them on the way that they should go.
That’s the prayer: that our children would begin to grow in the Holy Spirit, and then as they grow, eventually, that they would begin to walk with that light leading them through this world every single day. God bless and have a wonderful day! I will speak to you soon.