A Broken Heart – EP65 (Psalms 51:17)
Psalm 51:17
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

About Tania
Tania Landwehrle and her husband, Roland, have three children - a teenage son named Kyle and two young daughters, Taylor and Ryann. There is never a dull moment in the Landwehrle family, as each of their children is unique in age and in personality, and they are confident in their love for Jesus.
Hi everyone! It’s Tania, and welcome to the Moms for Christ podcast. The Word the Lord keeps putting in my heart comes from Psalms chapter 51 verse 17, and it says: “My sacrifice, oh God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart You will not despise.” This word is a pretty familiar word; it's a prayer that comes from David. He had done evil in the Lord’s sight by sending one of his most trusted soldiers, Uriah, to his death. David did this because he slept with Uriah’s wife, and she became pregnant. David tried to hide his sin by marrying Bathsheba, who gave birth to a son. This displeased the Lord greatly, so the Lord sent Nathan to rebuke David. Nathan told David that because David had done this, David would suffer a great deal of turmoil in his house, and the son that Bathsheba had delivered would die. David fasted and he prayed for 7 days, and during that time this prayer came forth.
”That knowledge caused David’s heart to break for the Lord, because he sinned against the One he loved!”Although we can look at the story and name the many people David hurt with his actions, David understood that his sin was against the Lord and the Lord only. That knowledge caused David's heart to break for the Lord, because he sinned against the One he loved! I'm ashamed to say, this took me a very long time to understand - to know that every sin is against the Lord; to see that if I hurt someone, that hurt is against the Lord. As a parent, I understand that if my children are fighting, it hurts me because I love them and I want them to relate to each other in a loving way. And if they hurt each other, they hurt me.
”...to understand every sin is not against flesh and blood, but the Lord.”It's the same with the Lord - He's a good Father, and when His children sin, it hurts Him. There have been times when my kids have hurt each other and they see the sadness in my eyes, and they make an effort not to do it again because they love me and they don't want to see me so upset. I'm reminded of Joseph and his brothers. After Joseph was thought to be dead by his father, Israel, the pain Israel’s son - Judah - felt watching his father mourn was so great that the possibility that Israel would lose another one of his sons, Judah was willing to give everything in order to spare his father from many more years of grief and anguish. I want the same for my children - to understand every sin is not against flesh and blood, but the Lord.
”Lord, please teach us to truly love You as You have loved us.”Lord, please teach us to see every sin as a direct betrayal to you. And when we do sin, to bring You a broken and contrite heart as the only acceptable sacrifice. Lord, You are good, You are loving, and You are powerful. Lord, I pray that we would see how we have hurt You - that our hearts would break over the sin committed against You. Lord, please teach us to truly love You as You have loved us. And Lord, You have been good to us. I pray Lord, every sin would break our heart, because the One that we love is hurting. And Lord I pray that we would bring you a broken and contrite heart as the only acceptable sacrifice. Lord, I thank You - I thank You for Your Word and I thank You for how You pour a love on a people that do not deserve it. And Lord I pray that we would be so connected to You, that every sin would break our hearts as it breaks Yours. Amen. God bless and have a wonderful week! I will speak to you again soon.