Come Back To Your Roots
Pastor Jeffrey Brandt
Copyright © 2021 United Faith Church | All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT)
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord
and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
and they never stop producing fruit.
Sermon Text
Come Back to Your Roots
Sermon preached by Pastor Jeffrey Brandt - United Faith Church, Barnegat, NJ
Today, I'm excited to talk about something that God really had hit my heart with this week: I wanna talk about coming back to our roots. Right, you ever have somebody tell you, you ever say to somebody, ‘Listen you’ve gotta come back to your roots’? When maybe they seem to have lost their way maybe they seem to kinda depart from their vision or what they're into. And sometimes we just need to come back to our roots, amen. And God is calling us to do the same, church of God. Not just here but I truly believe worldwide, and especially in our nation. In the nation of America, God is saying, ‘Come back to your roots.’
"...this land was established on the roots of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and no other. "See in America, we see so much conflict happening right now. We see that it’s such an intense time - politically, racially, and so many different ways we can go on and on. I mean, not only are those issues occurring but we can even see what's being threatened now right? Even our supply - our supplies of all the things that are coming and going our foods. When we look at shipments not being able to be shipped, and it just goes on and on as I said. But we can read different articles, we can look at all the different studies, and what's happening? We read of all the experts trying to figure out what to do - everybody giving their opinion, their thought, their study. Examining you know how could we solve our issues? How can we keep our nation stable? What is it that we need to do in order to work things out.? And I don't know about you, but I find the more that’s spoken the more that’s brought out, the less seems to work.
And so the question is: What do we do? What is the answer - what are we missing here? Praise God - this week I was reading an article and again it so touched my heart. And this article was about Christians in Russia - right now. Christians in Russia that are praying for America. And listen they’re praying a very specific prayer, and this is what hit my heart. It said that they were praying that America will come back to their roots. America will come back to their roots and as I read this it really hit my heart and I had to say, ‘Well what are our roots?’ What are the roots of America - church of God, this land was established on the roots of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and no other, amen!
Do not be fooled - man and his hidden agenda that is so looking - and we see the spirit behind it, so looking to secularize the history of America. And you know it's so hard right now - you could do all sorts of searches, and how much harder it is to see the history of the Godly men and women - the men and women of holiness who laid the foundation of our nation! But do not be fooled! Whatever the agenda be listen, we are called back to our roots of America - the roots of the Lord Jesus Christ and no other!
"This land that God has given us - was meant to be a place where we would raise our children, literally in freedom to come to know the Lord."Today, as God is saying, ‘Come back!’ we have to look at the reality. You know our problem - it's not the politics. Our problem is not money, or the lack thereof. Our problem is not ‘Big Tech’ or anything else, our problem is this: That many have turned from the ways of God. That is our issue today you know, in a land that was intended for freedom to worship, we’ve taken our freedoms to indulge in ourselves. We've taken this land of freedom to just do our own thing, to go our own way and whatever we want to do - departing from God! And He is saying, ‘Come back!’ today!
This land that God has given us - this nation - was meant to be a place where we would raise our children, literally in freedom to come to know the Lord. But what have we done? Many of us have failed to teach our children the ways and the wonders of God - to teach them in the move of the Spirit! And so how could God bless a land that has turned away from Him? See we must come back to our roots church of God. Is anybody hearing me today God is saying, ‘Come back to the roots of the old Gospel glory of God!’ He’s calling us back to the power of God - the power of the Gospel that is able to touch the man who was going about his own way doing his own thing the man it says, ‘I am my own god, there is no other god.’ And as he’s touched by the presence of the Lord, he is now humbled heeding to the Word of the Lord, a man totally transformed. A man or woman totally different because of the work that God has done in their life. He’s calling us back to the old roots of glory, where that young man or woman that just so loved themselves - that so just loved the things of this world, loved their own life is now touched by the presence of God to say, ‘God I wanna pray! God I wanna serve You! God I want to be in the Kingdom!’ Are we gonna come back to our roots today?
See we can read the history of America. We find revivals that have happened that have come and gone all throughout our nation! And listen I believe that we are coming into a time truly that the Bible speaks about - that there is gonna be a revival, there’s gonna be a coming of the presence of God that is gonna last and last! It's a move of God that the Word of the Lord speaks about that’s gonna last so long that’s gonna usher us into the Kingdom of God. Church could this be the day? Could this be the season? Will we come back to our roots?
Revelation 22:16 says, “‘I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I Am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright [and] Morning Star.’” See to come back to our roots today is to come into the Lord Jesus Christ amen.
So I wanna talk about what that looks like. What does it look like to come back to our roots? We’re gonna look at Jeremiah 17 for a moment. And the verses and the Scriptures will be up on the screen, verses 7 through 8. And here we’re gonna take a look at the roots that we are called to come back into, church. Amen. The Word of the Lord says, “‘But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.’”
"...those who make Him their confidence, their strength…they are the ones who are depending on God."See our roots are roots that are to run deep. I just even hear the Lord now just saying, ‘Come! Come into the place that I’ve called you to come!’ Our roots are not shallow roots as we walk with God. We’re not those that just go about doin’ our own thing or decide to just go along with the rest of the world - no! We are those rooted in the Lord! We are those rooted in God! We are those where every one of our decisions, everything that we do in our household, everything that we do in our job - even the food that we eat - we think everything in terms of the will and the working and the goodness of our God. In the Lord Jesus is that us today? What are your roots today? What have you been rooted in?
And so, I wanna really look at that. As He calls us into the roots of God, what are the true roots of the Christian? First off, they are roots of trust. I just wanna look at verses seven and eight just a little bit of eight again just to really dig this through. But again it says, “...blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along [the] riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought....”And so, our roots of trust - it's a trust that depends on God. We have to understand what the Lord is saying here. See He’s saying that those who trust in Him, those who make Him their confidence their strength, listen - they are the ones who are depending on God.
Now the Scriptures make clear and one of my favorite verses in the Bible in the Old Testament in Ecclesiastes, it says that ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ You ever hear that? And it really is the reality. See, the issues of the world have always been there. Now granted, in Roman times there was political upheaval. If we look at nation upon nation there was always wars and strong tensions and famines, and everything you can think of. The only difference today maybe they didn't have media. Maybe they didn't have a cell phone to see it so quickly. But listen there is nothing new under the sun but praise God, just as God has been delivering people and keeping His people safe throughout the ages He is still doing the same thing today, to those who depend and trust in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Our God is the same yesterday today, and forevermore.
But my question is this, do we truly depend on the Lord? Now how do you know that we trust in Him? How do we know that we’re depending on God - I'll tell you how. It's when we’re not thinking that our accomplishments, that our money, and all the things that we are capable of are what is making and providing for our lives. It’s when we realize: You know I praise God today, as I've been taught that these hands are not my own. These are what God has given me. The ten fingers that I have on both hands, listen that is the mercy of God. These feet that I have that are working and able to work and to do, listen do not be fooled they have been given from God. Do not ever think that you've done or can do anything apart from God's mercy and God's grace!
Yet how often do we live our lives as though we do not need to depend on God? How often do we believe that our food, our things, and everything is from me? That my family is from me when all in reality they can all disappear in just a moment?
See we’ve got to come back to our roots. We’ve got to come back to the simplicity of knowing that it is God alone who gives and takes away, amen. Church it is not the government. It's not our bosses, it is not me; but for the grace of God, I would have nothing .
"God has always sustained His people in the famine…He is still looking to do it today,"See I needed a reminder at one point in my life. I remember at one point just thinking, ‘I could do my own thing. God this is my body, this is my life. I can go about without You Lord.’ And hallelujah I praise God today that God began to strip a few things out of my life. God began to touch me with His presence and His power, and I praise God today He has awakened me to realize, ‘Father You are my dependence. I trust in You, and in You alone. You are the reason and the only hope of breathing. You are the only hope of living. You are the only hope of surviving in this place!’
See it’s undeniable - if we really get real - that some changes I believe are about to happen in our nation. Changes not for the better. Changes where our entire lifestyle may have to be shifted, in terms of provision and many things on. But listen: God has always sustained His people in the famine. And I wanna say that He is still looking to do it today, but He has to show through each one of us that we are depending on no one else but the Lord alone. That the reason we have, the reason we are surviving, is because of the Lord Jesus Christ and His great power.
"The droughts are coming - are you prepared?"See this trust - these roots of trust - are a trust that is not moved by circumstance. Those who trust in the Lord as His Word says, “...[they’re] not bothered by the heat…[or] worried by the...drought…” See things all around the world are getting heated up, right? I mean, there's military tensions. There's all sorts of racial conflicts nonstop on the news that we look at every day. It's really getting heated up even in politics! God forbid somebody say the wrong thing! God forbid somebody begin to argue how heated and how bad it can be!
When it comes to droughts in all reality, there are physical droughts. we look at the Midwest we look at California all those places - the rains have not been falling enough, literally drought. But not only that. When I look at the news and I see that our supply chain for Christmas might not be the same this year, the droughts are coming - are you prepared? Now see some people may say, ‘Do you prepare? And how do you do it?’ Of course we do but listen: All of our preparation is according to the way God leads us to do it. All of our preparation is according to the trusting of the Lord and His leading on how we’re gonna do it, when we’re gonna do it, who we’re gonna do it with - and He will be the very God to provide and no other.
See in reality, we see and we hear a lot of things. It's where we’re thinking, ‘You know what's gonna come next?’ I find myself thinking, you know, ‘What is next?’ And we can find ourself for a moment there wondering, maybe worrying for a second how or what. But hallelujah those rooted in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ are quickly reminded - God is God. We quickly come back to our roots - the Word of the Lord that says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.’ Church we’ve got to repent this day for allowing circumstances in this life and in this world to move us more than the Spirit of God. We have to come back to God and repent for being more worried about our lacking in the flesh, our lacking in our homes, our lacking in everything else, but caring less about our lacking in the Lord Jesus Christ!
And it’s all because we haven't trusted Him. It's because we haven't trusted in the Word of the Lord. See if we do not trust Him we do not know Him - but is there anybody hearing me today? Somebody ready to come back to the roots of trust of God? Is there anybody ready to come back?
"Will you remain with God, or will you walk away, or will you trust that God will sustain you?"See those in Christ aren’t moved by circumstances of this world by the bad news and all the other things that come. We are moved by one thing alone, the voice of the Lord that says, ‘I've got this.’ The voice of the Lord that says, ‘Listen your business is My Kingdom. Your businesses to stay in prayer. Your business is to be seeking Me and to walk in My presence and I will guide you through the valley of the shadow of death, for I alone am the Lord.’
See this trust that we are to be rooted in is a trust that sustains us. Sadly, so many Christians have become just like the world - living as though our bosses are the ones who sustain us. Living as though our job is gonna be the thing that sustains us. You know in some cases, we think that our pride and maybe our abilities we hold so tight to ‘em, thinking that they will be the things that will sustain us and God's response is this, ‘If you want it, then you got it. Then let Egypt deliver you. Then let your flesh - let man deliver you in the times to come.’ Now listen church I don't know about you - I do not want to be found in the hands of man. I do not want to be found in my own hands. I wanna come back to the roots of my forefathers. I wanna come back to be like Joseph who held on and God sustained him. Where even Joseph - listen there was a point where his dreams might've seemed dead. There was a point where the sorrows and the troubles just seemed to be like waves that were nonstop, but hallelujah God carried him through, because he did not lose his way - he trusted the Lord, and God sustained him. I don't know if there's somebody here today - you’re goin’ through some heavy waves that are just pounding. Your goin’ through some circumstance. I ask you today: Will you remain with God, or will you walk away, or will you trust that God will sustain you?
See what the enemy means for evil God turns around for good. Because Joseph trusted the Lord a famine had come if you remember the story, but hallelujah he was ready because he was stored up and ready. God is preparing us just as He did Joseph. That as we trust Him He is causing our roots to go deep - our roots of trust in the Lord to be the exact thing that is going to sustain us in the season to come. I ask again church, are you ready to come back to the roots of God? The roots of trust?
Secondly, the roots of the Christian are roots of love. Jeremiah 17:8 we’re still there let’s just look at verse eight. “They are like trees planted along [the] riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.” See as I was reading this part of the Scripture, I had to ask myself what are these waters? These roots go deep. Not shallow, they go deep into the waters and the Lord began to remind me of Ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 it says, “...May you be rooted deep in love…”
"See Christ’s love wasn’t about a feeling..."See, our roots are to reach deep into the waters of God's love. The world roots itself all on feeling. The world does its thing, it roots itself, you know, depending on how it feels for the day it roots itself on emotion and on everything else. But see how often do we love according to how things are going? How often do we decide to stick it out with God depending on the circumstance? If it's going good maybe we'll keep going but if things get a little rough, what are our responses?
See Christ’s love wasn’t about a feeling. When He went to the cross it didn't feel good. But when He went to the cross see, He had such a love in His heart for the Father that it was an enduring love. He went the distance. Church today, are you rooted to go the distance for God? To not let anything stop you anymore? No longer let the old sin and the old ways the old flesh - no longer waiver - but to be rooted in the love of God?
" Roots, they’ll fight for nourishment. They’ll fight other roots, and the strongest root will win."How often do we change according to our feeling or circumstance? Maybe that moment of truth, it didn’t feel so good so then maybe we decide, ‘You know what? I’m gonna take a different route God, I don't wanna go that way. It's not really what I expected.’ Maybe God is calling you to pray in a moment or to walk away from something to come into His presence, but, ‘You know God I really don't feel like doin’ that right now.’ And sadly our roots remain so shallow. Can we turn back to God today? Can we repent for being so shallowly rooted in the love of God? For not being rooted in His love but being rooted in everything else?
God is calling us to come back to the roots of God, where we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. That's where you're just comin’ to God and sayin’, ‘Father, sustain me. Father please, just give me the strength that I need God I wanna give You everything I have. I wanna give You it all, Father empower me Holy Spirit - touch me today to truly be rooted in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.’
I rejoice because you know this love, it uproots all others. Think about it. When you're rooted in the love of God it's gonna uproot some other things see these roots are strong, because the Word says here, “They are...planted along the riverbank…” They literally are planted in the very source of life. Now, as I was reading and studying goin’ through this I learned a little bit about roots. Roots, they’ll fight for nourishment. They’ll fight other roots, and the strongest root will win. Now think about this when you’re planted into the waters, you are the strongest root and you WILL overcome - see that is exactly the love of God. The love of God is just so strong. The love of God is so powerful see He loves us so much, that He's not gonna share us with everything else. He loves us so much, that He's not gonna share us with our pride. He’s not gonna share us with our apathetic ways. See, He uproots all the other things in our lives that displaced the glory of God, that displaced the Lord Jesus in our hearts.
See it’s by the love of God that He places people in our lives to disciple us. It’s by the love of God that He puts people in our lives to instruct us on the paths of righteousness. It’s by the love of God that He touches us with the Spirit of God to no longer, you know, walk in our own ways but to be convicted to stop living in godlessness, and to begin to live in the power of God. Are you rooted in the love of God today?
You know as I think about these roots praise God when we are rooted in the love of Jesus, oh they are like these strands these cords that are so strong. They’ll keep you from going to the left. They’ll keep you from going to the right. When the emotions are going, when the flesh is fighting, hallelujah when you are rooted in God, He will keep you strong as an oak! He will keep you strong and planted in His power!
Are you rooted in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ? See, how do you know you've come into God's love? How do you know that you’ve truly been rooted? It’s when you find yourself beginning to uproot everything else. You begin to uproot the selfishness, uproot the laziness, the apathy and all the other things that we bring before God that are just so bad.
"We are rooted in a love that restores joy."I remember in my life a point where God began to touch me. It was a moment where I remember just getting really serious with God going, ‘God I'm done playing the games. You’ve got to touch me. Something different has to happen.’ And you know what? I began to see things starting to uproot in my life. I have to praise God today, that by His love - His powerful love - He did not leave me in my sin, He did not leave me in my flesh, He did not leave me doing my own thing and going my own way but hallelujah! But now to be rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ, rooted in His power rooted and rooted in the Word deeper, and deeper and deeper roots - deeper and deeper roots! I ask you again today: Are you rooted in the power of God? Is He able to uproot all the other darkness in our life? If not today is the day church! We must turn back to God! We must come back to our roots and let Him uproot all the darkness!
See this love is a love that restores joy. We are rooted in a love that restores joy - see these roots again, they are planted deep by the river. And as I read this, this came to mind: We know the Scripture Psalm 46, “There [is] a river…[that] makes glad the city of God…” There's a river of joy. There’s a river that flows of joy. See we know about God's joy we talk about it. We speak about the joy of the Lord. We sing it in songs, but do we really live in the joy of the Lord, or have we lost it? Where maybe at first, there was such an excitement to be with the Lord, but somewhere along the line, things just got muddied up. Things got dark. Things begin to fade away and just become deadened whether it be because of sin, whether it be because of circumstances or things that have happened in our life - have we remained in the joy of the Lord?
See God's love will restore His joy. I'm not talkin’ about a joy to joke around and crack jokes, but I'm talking about a joy of the Lord where even if all hell is breaking loose, even if things don't seem the best that they can be even when you are exhausted, you are just joyfully waiting just to get a touch of God. You just can't wait to be in His presence, you just can't wait to find Him, you just can't wait to hear His voice.
"We are to be called back to our roots today - back to the true love of God! Back to the true joy that would invade our children!"Since the day I was introduced to the Lord, just going to church was just such a joy for me. I cannot remember a time where I just didn't take joy about hearing people talk about the Lord - I really am talking about a serious excitement something that only God can do. See issues and things can still happen, but it couldn't stop the river, it couldn't stop the joy and uproot what God has established in my life and in the life of my family. You seek, God is calling us back church as I said before. He's calling us back to the roots! The roots of the love of God to bring joy! A joy so that we would show our children the joy of the Lord! Not a false joy, not something we’re just making up but truly that God is alive for us that truly God is sweet, that truly God is our God. That truly He is our Lord, so that we can demonstrate to our children, demonstrate to the world where true joy is!
Christianity was never meant to be dull and heavy with obligation. Yet, have we found this walk to be an obligation? Have we found it to just be joyless in our life? Do we joyfully respond to the Word of the Lord in our lives? I ask to you today: Do our children get so joyful when it comes to the score of the football game? Do our children get so joyful with the new videogame or with this and that, but in the presence of God, joyless and cold? It was never meant to be this way church! We were never meant to depart the ways of the Lord! We were never meant to be away from His joy, just doing our own thing and not knowing a thing about God! We are to be called back to our roots today - back to the true love of God! Back to the true joy that would invade our children! That would invade our lives and be real - be real!
We have to repent this day for showing just a joyless, regular old obligated Christianity. We’ve got to repent for pulling away from what God has always meant. We have to repent from walking away from our root. We’ve got to come back to the roots of the love of God.
I truly believe God wants to restore joy in this season. I truly believe that a time of laughter is coming. That by His love God is about to restore the joy of our salvation. He is about to restore something big. I truly believe it for the people of God, where we will be able to laugh together once again. We will be able to take joy together like never before. If you think you’ve had joy at this point, I believe that there is a thousand fold comin’. If you think you've tasted at this point, I believe God is about to do more but we’ve got to we got to come back! We’ve got to come back to our roots! We’ve got to come back to the roots of trusting! We’ve got to come back to the roots of the true love of God in our lives, amen.
Lastly, what are the roots of the Christian? They are roots of power. We finish on verse eight in chapter seventeen of Jeremiah. The last half there says, “...Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.”...“Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” See we’ve got to come back to the roots of God's power.
Think about this: Those leaves never go bad, they never die off - this is a miracle. This is a sign of life - everlasting life. The life that God wants us to be rooted in. He wants us to be rooted in the abundant life that He’s called us to live. We’re not waiting for heaven. Listen, there's gonna be wonderful life in heaven praise God for heaven - something so great to look forward to - but I'm looking forward to the abundant life right now. I'm looking forward for my leaves not going brown. I'm looking forward right now to be filled with the Spirit of God and to walk in His glory.
See when God touches us with His power, it's where you at one time might’ve been dried out. Maybe you were after every other thing in this world chasing every dollar chasing, every girl chasing every god but see when God's power comes in mercy, now all of a sudden He will touch you to be after Him. And you will begin to run with Him and listen - you will not stop. You will run and not grow weary. We will run and not grow weary and go and go from glory to glory.
The Word of the Lord says to be prepared in season and out of season. Keep your leaves green, keep the passion going and burning. In other words, stop wasting time! We’ve got to make up our minds today whether we’re gonna serve God or serve ourself and the world, but we have to make up our minds whether we’re truly gonna walk and live in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ! And see when we truly decide that - when we come back to our roots it will not end, it will be everlasting!
Learned a little bit about trees we know right, that trees at some point they get a point of rest and almost dormancy. But see these trees, these roots that God is calling us to is something that does not stop, we do not lie dormant. We do not stop, we keep going, we keep going, we stay green. We keep seeking God. And when get a Word, we go for another Word. And when we walk in that Word, we begin to seek God again. We fast, we pray we do not stop until there’s a breaking in our life, ‘til there’s a breaking in the church there’s a breaking in our families.
"We produce and we produce for the world but where will it be for God?."See God - He’s not looking for somebody to serve Him for one Sunday. God is not looking for one of us, for myself to serve God for a week. To make a difference for a week. To pray to go after Him just for a few days and then to decide to go back to our ordinary life. See Christianity is about power. It's about power to keep producing fruit. The Word of the Lord says, “...they never stop producing fruit.” Revelation 22, if you read it at home there's a tree. It speaks about a Tree of Life there. Now what's so unusual about this tree is it says it produces twelve types of fruit. Now, most of the time you would imagine when you're harvesting anything - a tree, a crop whatever it may be - you harvest what, once a year. Maybe twice a year. But hallelujah this is the Tree of Life. This tree produces twelve types of fruit, twelve months of the year. Every month there’s something new. Every month there’s something fresh. See hallelujah, it is incorruptible. See the fruit that God is calling us to produce that doesn't stop producing is the power of an incorruptible life. It’s when the Lord Jesus Christ is in us, when His power touches us, and there is a fruitfulness that comes forward. Listen! No longer will we waiver from the press in this time and season. No longer will we be overtaken by the girl, the guy, the money, the house whatever it may be. There is a fruit to be produced that is incorruptible, untouchable, and it goes and it goes for the Kingdom of God!
See if that not be us, today God is calling us to turn from living with such shallow roots in God's power. He is calling us back to the old glory of God that does not stop! It doesn't stop for a day! It keeps going and going! And I'm just thinking God is saying, we produce so much every day in our jobs, we produce so much every day on the sports team. There’s never gonna be a practice where we just tell the coach, ‘Coach I’m not gonna produce. I’m not gonna give it my all.’ We produce and we produce for the world but where will it be for God? When will we decide to be touched by His power to make a difference? I wanna make a difference! I don’t wanna just make a difference for a year. I don’t wanna just make a difference for a week. God I wanna walk, and walk, and produce and produce for Your Kingdom!
Will we come back to our roots to the roots of Christ’s power that causes us to produce in the Kingdom? See it’s a power that isn’t temporary. We’re rooted in the power that keeps going. From time to time, I still run into some old friends from high school, or even somebody that maybe I used to work with in the past, and from time to time I run into people. And, I can't make this up the first question is not, ‘How are you doing?’ Not, ‘How's life?’- ‘Are you still doing the church thing?’ Hundred percent - ‘Are you guys still doing what you do? Are you still in church? I know you said you know you were serving God. I know you said that it was powerful but are you really still into it?’ And in other words what they’re really asking is, ‘Is it real? Are you really - you know, is that power of God real? Are you really living in that power?’ And I praise God today. I truly praise God for His mercy, I wanna tell you my answer is always, ‘Yes of course. But not only that, not only that. Oh, do you remember my family? Remember my sisters? Remember my mother? Remember my father, remember my brothers, remember my brothers-in-law? Oh, they’re all still doing the same thing because the power of God is just that! I know that you thought that the roots of the Holy Spirit - I know that you thought the roots of God - were not gonna do it. I know that you thought we needed the world. I know that you thought the roots were gonna be shallow. But hallelujah the roots have run deep in the power of God! Hallelujah we are here because of His power!
See by God's mercy - not by the college fund. Not by the savings account. Not by the bank account, not by the nice job or anything else, we are here by one thing and one thing alone - the power of the Lord Jesus Christ!’
Have we truly come into God's power in our lives that lasts? A power that will transform? A power that doesn't seize and keeps going? Or have we decided to keep wavering in our flesh? Have we decided to keep wavering back and forth with the world? God says, ‘It is time to end it.’ It is time to come back to our roots. It is time to walk away - uproot everything else - and come into the foundation of our nation, to come into the foundation of all that we are called to - the Lord Jesus.
"We are about to come back to our roots. Not just the roots - the Root, the Lord Jesus."Lastly this power that we are rooted in - it’s the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I know we say that, but we really have to get this today. It's really the power of Him in our life. In John 15, it says, “‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; [but] apart from Me you can do nothing.’” In other words, look at the world. Many hope that things will remain stable. Many hope that we will remain the same in our nation with all the freedoms that we have with all the abundance of food and all the wonderful things that we love to enjoy. And many hope that it will not get bad, that we would just remain okay but the Word of the Lord says ‘No!’ The Word of the Lord says a time is coming - a time of famine will come. The Word makes it clear that things will get bad, things will get worse. But hallelujah today we shall not fear because we remain in Christ!
We are not lost. We are about to come back to our roots. Not just the roots - the Root, the Lord Jesus. We have the answer that the experts cannot find. Read the articles! Look at all the studies! I just wanna wake them up and just say, ‘Listen, stop writing. It's already been written!’ I just wanna stop and tell somebody, ‘Listen we already have the answer that will never fail! Come what may! Come drought, come the heat, come the season of lack, come the season of famine we shall not lack, we shall not run dry! Because we have the everlasting fountain - because we have God!’
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