Sowing For the Harvest
Pastor Jeffrey Brandt
Copyright © 2021 United Faith Church | All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.

Galatians 6:7-9 (NIV)
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Sermon Text
Sowing for the Harvest
Sermon preached by Pastor Jeffrey Brandt - United Faith Church, Barnegat, NJ
Today as we come into the Word, I just found it so important, you know, something God was putting on my heart and I wanted to talk about sowing for the harvest.
Sowing for the harvest. And you know, we’re coming into the harvest season. It's a special season, for I believe many different reasons. One of the reasons is, you know, the weather's perfect right? And we get ready to harvest and to celebrate all the new fruits and all the foods that come about in this season, and even the Jewish people at this time, they’re also celebrating the harvest. The harvest that comes yearly and they come before God, just thanking Him for all of His provisions. They’re thanking God for all the good things that He's done in their midst.
See, during the harvest everyone gets ready to reap all the seeds that they planted. All the plants that they put out. If you planted the apple seed, if you planted the apple tree, you're now going to look forward to apples right? If you planted the plum or the peach, you're now happy because you're about to get those plums and those peaches, but here goes the thing - there’s a natural law of the harvest. It is simply this: we reap what we sow. We reap what we sow.
Now, this isn't just for an agricultural harvest but the reality is, it applies to every single place of our lives. If you sow hard work and time and hard studying for an exam, what happens? We reap passing that exam. Now listen, it’s not always a good thing. If we sow, you know, trouble, if we sow crime, or anything that’s bad, at some point, it comes back to us. We reap more violence or crime or even trouble with the law. See, there's no bypassing this. We simply reap, we harvest whatever it is that we sow in this life.
So we ask, ‘What does this have to do with the church?’ Listen church, it has everything to do with us. See, God has called this church together to be those who would sow seeds of righteousness and reap the glory and the goodness of God.
Hear me today, we are supposed to be sowers. We are those who are on the move. We are those who are looking to implant something special, to give our life and our efforts to the great Kingdom of God, that we may reap a harvest of His goodness in our lives.
See, we are those who sow our time into praying sincerely for God to move. Maybe for God to bring a breakthrough. And what happens? We then reap getting to know Him personally. We are those who sow all of our effort into raising our children, not in a worldly manner - but bringing them into Christ. And what do we hope to reap? That one day, our children too will grasp their own relationship with the Lord, amen.
We sow patience, many of us - into waiting for something from God, maybe an answer, maybe a decision and we sow that patience. We wait for the things that God wants to speak and do and what do we reap? We get to be in the will of the Lord.
But see, just the same is true. If we sow into our flesh, if we sow into gratifying that sinful nature, if we sow an unwillingness to obey the Word of the Lord - to heed to the things that He is speaking in our life - we will also reap spiritual deadness. If we look to sow into this world, ignoring the Kingdom of God, sowing into our own thing and going into our own lives and just kind of pushing God aside, listen, we will reap- as this world is fleeting- we will reap a future that will also be fleeting as the world.
And so God asks today: ‘What have we sown? And what are we reaping?’ See, the Lord today church, hear me out, He wants us to recognize, to understand that we are to be those who sow into the Kingdom. That we sow our lives into Him. We give everything that we have. We don’t hold back so that God would have His glory. That there would be a harvest, not of money or of things but a harvest of the glory and the presence of God!
Is there anybody ready to truly sow into the Kingdom today? And maybe, you know some of us have begun to do so - are you ready to go deeper? Are you ready to reap all that God has had in store for His people? And so the question that I have today is: ‘How do we sow into the Kingdom of God? How do we sow into the Kingdom?’
"Whatever we plant, church, we will surely harvest because God knows what we sow."And so let's look at the book of Galatians. We’re going to go to Galatians chapter 6. And we’ll be looking at verses 7-9. As we’re turning there, we’re reading the book of Galatians, which is a book I love to read repeatedly and here Paul, you know, he's talking to a people who have been misled. They were misled by the Pharisees of that time. Pharisees who were misleading the people by teaching them that you know, religion, following the old Jewish law and rituals, and it would be the way that they would find righteousness with God. That their works would bring them closer to God and have them do what God wanted them to do, but Paul makes it clear that no outward acts of religion, that no ritual could ever take the place of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, amen. And see those who sow in faith, those who sow in trusting the Lord, hallelujah we will reap everlasting life that is in Christ Jesus and Christ alone.
And so, how do we sow into the Kingdom? First, we must understand that we reap what we sow. Let's read verse 7 together:
”Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
Now I know that that's a short saying but it's a very powerful saying right? We must understand that we reap what we sow and see, God knows what we sow. “Do not be deceived”, Paul says. Don't be misled. Listen, we can never make a fool out of God. We can never claim before God or others to be Christians yet go about our own way and live our own lifestyle and do whatever we want before God and expect God to receive our seconds. See, we cannot do as we please and suppose God will just accept it. Whatever we plant, church, we will surely harvest because God knows what we sow.
Christianity you see, is not about just saying a prayer to get saved and kind of folding our hands and waiting for a time to come into Heaven. You see, we’re supposed to be those who have thrown off “the former way of living”, the Word of the Lord says. The former way of living where all we did was sow into ourselves. All we did was sow into our own kingdom. Where all of our effort went into making sure we look good, we look great, our jobs, our career and everything but God. But see, the Word of the Lord says today to throw off- throw it off church! Cast it away! The old, former way of living - it won’t work before God! Cast off the things that we used to sow in! If that be us today, I pray that we would begin to turn to God and wake up and realize that there is something big that He is calling us to! To sow into the Kingdom!
" See, it's a heart that is just thankful to sow into the Kingdom of God."But will we throw off that old way of living? That old way of sowing? You see, God calls us to be a people who carefully live knowing that we reap exactly what we sow. We live in the awareness knowing that God sees and He knows- what is it that He sees? Hallelujah! Today, I believe He sees those of you who have gone into the secret place where nobody else was there. And you have been praying, crying out to God saying, “Father, touch me! Use me! Father, I don't know what I can do. I don’t know how I'll do it but I know that You are God. You see, God knows those of you who have been just fasting. When you've been just taking those car rides and nobody else is aware, just to pray and to seek His face. God knows and He sees and listen, hallelujah! You shall reap that which you have sown, and those things that are sown of God will produce His goodness!
But I ask again, do we truly walk in the fear of the Lord, knowing that He knows exactly what we sow? That God cannot be mocked. God cannot be fooled. Today, church, may we wake up and realize that we will reap exactly what we sow?
See, if we sow sparingly, we will also reap sparingly. Now some might just think that this is, you know, should just be applied to maybe money. But the Word of the Lord makes so clear that this is so much more than just giving money. God is talking about the heart. See, it's a heart that is just thankful to sow into the Kingdom of God. We are not just choosing to pray because it's the right thing to do. You’re not just choosing to pray or seek the Lord because you know, everybody else is kind of doing it, but you are so delighted to sow into the Kingdom. To sow prayers that might bring a breakthrough for somebody. To sow effort that might help somebody along the way that is weak and in need. But see, if we sow sparingly, we will also reap the same and it will be evident. A day will come, truly a time will come when we will reap exactly what we've given to the Lord, trust me on this.
If we give God a lax attitude, kind of just, ‘Lord, I'll serve you…’ If we come before God, just maybe doing just enough to kinda still be considered a Christian, listen, we will reap exactly what we've given to the Lord. And not only will we reap it in our lives but trust me, it will even be revealed in our children. See, our children know! We model everything that we do. They know exactly the type of heart that we have toward the Lord, trust me on this. Everything that we give to God we will also reap, even in our children. Will it be religion for them today that will never save them or touch their lives because it's all that they’ve seen? Or will it be the goodness of God? Because we said, “God, I’m not going to give you a little. I'm going to give you everything I've got” So therefore, our children too can walk in the path of God's goodness.
But if it be us today that have sowed sparingly, can we turn around to the Lord? Can we ask Him for forgiveness? Can we come before Him and plead with Him, saying, “Father, teach me to sow. Teach me to no longer be those who give sparingly unto the Kingdom.” But the one who has set their heart upon the Lord to say, “Lord, I will go the distance. I will pray in the night. I will seek Your face. I will cry out for Your mercy God, whatever it takes.”
See, I find many people want to reap much of what they haven't planted. They fail to realize that every decision that we make, every move that we make is a seed that is sown. See, if you pray small, the deliverance will be small. If we seek just a little, listen, you will find just a little. If you desire to give so generously toward the world but so small toward God, listen, we will reap exactly what the world is going to reap, and the Bible says destruction. But I praise God today church, that today God is saying those who choose not to give sparingly before the Lord, but who choose to give generously, hallelujah! You shall reap generously! Is there anybody looking to sow into the Kingdom?
See, if you sow generously, you will reap generously. I was speaking to a neighbor the other day and I talked to him repeatedly and a question he always has is: “How is church?” You know? “How's it going? What did you guys do today?” And he really, sincerely wants to know what we do, what we worship, how we do it, and in the last conversation I had with him, it was so interesting because I simply told him, I said, “Listen, we’re sowing. We’re sowing, we’re investing our lives and listen, I’m not just talking about money.” I told him, I said, “We’re investing our time, we’re investing our hearts, our children, our families into something that is so big.” Listen, I had to tell him. I said, “It's gonna touch generations. We don’t just go Sunday to sing songs, we’re going Sunday to meet with the living God. We’re going to sow into something eternal. We’re going to sow into the Kingdom!”
And I remember just looking at his eyes and he was like, “Wow! I get it!” And he said, “One day I’ll be there!” And I said, “Don’t be long!” And we laugh but do we truly get this for ourselves?
Listen, maybe some of you have sown some sleepless nights as God has called you to pray, but praise God! You're about to reap the joy of seeing somebody breakthrough because they were protected from the attack of the enemy!
Maybe you’ve sown time into just building yourself up with God, not just making every decision on yourself, just step-by-step saying, “God, lead me! Take me!” Listen, hallelujah! You are about to reap the presence of God where maybe you're not going to just touch your family, you’re not going to just touch the church, but I believe even the nations!
"When you sow generously into the Kingdom of shall reap the power of the Lord! We shall reap the lives coming to Christ!"I was reminded of an old revival story that I just love. Two women who were - one was 84 years old, one was 82. And one woman, you know, she was blind. The other was crippled from arthritis but these two women, they were sowing so generously into the Kingdom. These two women would get together, repeatedly, day and night, night and day, and just pray and pray and say, “Father, touch this community!” They would pray for the church. They were pleading for revival. Now listen, you may not have seen anything. They may not have seen something happen right away but through those years, in that time of praying, all of a sudden, the local church was touched. Leaders in the church said, “We've got to pray! These women have been praying.” And they felt the call from God as these women were sowing generously, now the church leaders began to join in and they prayed for weeks and weeks. I read that they prayed in a cold barn surrounded by hay and all sorts of dirty things, but it was the only place they could be, and they were sowing and sowing and sowing and hallelujah! There came a day where they began to reap something from God!
Because they sowed so generously, it says that one night in prayer, that God began to touch a young man in that prayer meeting, and he began to just weep and call out to God and the presence of God began to touch their hearts. They couldn't help but begin to cry to God. They couldn't help but to rejoice in His presence so much that this happened.
Up the street there was a dance. It says that over 100 kids were there just dancing and partying. But listen, church, because these men and women sowed so generously to God, because they could've been everywhere, anywhere else, they chose to be before the presence of the Lord and to seek Him. Listen, it says that the music began to stop, and over 100 kids left that dance hall and they started to go to the church doors, pleading and knocking on the door saying, “Let me in! There is something in us! We gotta get to God! We are far!” See, hallelujah! When you sow generously into the Kingdom of God, you shall reap, you shall reap the power of the Lord! We shall reap the lives coming to Christ! We shall reap! We shall reap something that is eternal!
See, God loves the heart that sows so cheerfully. Not begrudgingly holding back. God's not looking for someone that's going to pray just to be seen praying or just because they know it's required. God doesn't even care much for us to come to church, if we’re waiting for the clock to run out and get going on.
See, if we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly - but praise God, those who are generous unto the Lord, God loves the person that just comes to Him and says, “Father, listen, I may not even have much, but God do what You can do in my life. Here it is God, here is my all. Here is my heart, Father. Please have mercy! Father, I just want to sow my life. Father, if I could just sow this prayer in the night, if I can just sow my time, whatever else I may have God, may You receive it!”
Will that be us today, church? Will we become so generous with God? Will we allow God to begin to move in our life? See, God loves the cheerful giver. God loves the generous one that comes to God and just says, “Lord, here take it all!” And understands we reap exactly what we sow. Some choose to sow in sinfulness. Some choose to sow into the flesh and it will reap just that, but hallelujah church! I believe today somebody is about to wake up to sow into the Kingdom of God. Somebody is about to wake up to sow into something that is bigger than this world and bigger than our lives!
And so, in order to sow in the Kingdom, we must understand that we reap exactly that which we sow.
Secondly, we must understand that we must sow in the Spirit. Let's look at verse 8 in Galatians 6. It says, “Whoever sows to please the flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
"...we will not reap a revival with God in our nation, in our country, or in our churches unless we begin to reap a revival within our own homes!"See, we must not sow in the flesh. Sowing in the flesh, you know, allows us to reap one thing, the Word of the Lord says here, which is destruction. It's a destruction of the soul. It’s a destruction of holding back all the things that God may want to do in our lives. All the things that God may want to do in our nation and in our church. I had to ask myself - we have so many preachers, we have so many churches, we have so many Christian radio stations that we can turn to and streaming services. We have so many Bibles in America and so many concerts, and all these things that happen, yet we have not reaped a revival. We have not reaped a touch of God in our nation, where lives are truly coming to God. How could this happen!
Now listen, before we begin to think who we can blame, what group we can blame, what person we can blame, God calls us today to stop and to look at our lives. I must look at my life. I must look at myself and say what have I sown to? Have I sown into the flesh or have I truly sown into the Spirit?
See, God's not concerned with the whole rest of the world and how the world does things. He longs, His heart longs for a people to wake up, to stop sowing so much into the flesh. We cannot reap a revival of God, and we will not reap a revival with God in our nation, in our country, or in our churches unless we begin to reap a revival within our own homes.
Yet, how many of us are so good with sowing into our social media right? Making sure that the latest picture’s on there, making sure that we’re getting the best followers and everything is looking good. We’re so good with just sowing into our housework, so good with sowing into our jobs, our careers, and everything else but God, and yet how can we ever expect to reap anything? We must stop and ask ourselves, have we truly reaped the presence of God in our homes? Have we reaped the presence of God in our lives?
I found the reality is this: that we will sow naturally into that which we truly care about, what matters most. What matters most to me? What is it that matters most to you? See, every time we follow that impulsive urge, that desire to just go and move without waiting upon the Lord, we sow into the flesh. Every time we decide to just give God just a little bit - a little bit of prayer, maybe just a little bit of time, just enough, we sow into the flesh. church of God, living like this, living in this way and continuing on, we will never be able to reap the power and the presence of God but hallelujah, I believe God is looking to deliver us this day. To deliver us from sowing into the wickedness of this world, to deliver us, to deliver somebody to just wake up and go, “God, I'm done with it. I'm done with reaping the wickedness of my own flesh. I’m done with not allowing the church to come into the fullness of what You’ve called us to. Hallelujah! Father, deliver me! Father, I’m calling upon your name!”
Not long ago, I was taking a walk with the dog and I know I get to talk to some of you guys, and it's funny because if you take a walk with the dog in my neighborhood, you never know what situation you’ll come into and really, just really awesome things that God will do sometimes. But I was taking a walk and I was walking across the street from a man that I’d never seen before and I’ve never met him. So we kind of see each other, we gave that look, you know, ‘Hey how you doing?’ And we started to walk. And there was an immediate connection. There was just something I felt in my heart and I knew he felt the same thing. Never met each other before, didn't even know each other's name but then we started to walk closer and closer to each other and began a conversation.
Now, long story short: As this man was speaking to me, I just really heard and felt his heart. You know, he had gone through a lot and he was basically telling me, “My life is a mess and listen, I know that I'm a big part of it”, you know? And it was interesting to hear that and I remember in the moment, just kind of flowing out of my mouth, I said, “Well, you know what the Lord says about that? You reap what you sow”, you know? And I was like ‘Oh my goodness. What is this guy going to think now?’, you know? That just came out, I can't take it back.
But praise God, he looks at me and he starts to smile. He goes, “You're absolutely right…” He goes, “I've heard that before and I've never really thought about it.” And he said, “You know, I gotta tell you something. I left my house and I took a walk because I wanted to find God.” He said, “Listen, I don't go to church. I don't know much about it or this and that…” But he said, “Listen, I knew I needed to talk to God.” And he said, “I was asking Him ‘What is going on? What am I supposed to do?’ Hallelujah! I looked at him, I said, “Listen, there is hope. I know you’ve seen that you sown some bad things and you’ve reaped some bad things but there is hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
I told him, “That maybe today you would be able to sow into something different. That maybe God will touch you…” And I remember his eyes just lighting up and his heart just leaping. And we walked literally for a half hour, 35 minutes just going on and on and on. Now listen, I don't know what seed was sown there. I don't know if we'll ever reap, I don’t know if somebody else will ever reap but listen, I want to ask us this: does it hit our hearts in the same way? Does it hurt our hearts to turn from our flesh? Does it hurt our hearts to see the wicked things that maybe we’ve sown into in our lives, but to now come to God and say, “Father, something needs to change! Something needs to shift God! We can't continue like this. Father, it’s got to stop! Today has to be the day! We can’t go on anymore! I hear the call, Lord!”
And so we must not sow into the flesh but God is calling us to sow into the Spirit. See, if we sow into the Spirit, it leads to life. The Word of the Lord said here, “if we sow to please the Spirit…” What is pleasing to the Spirit? I want to tell you one thing: the Lord Jesus Christ.
See, when we sow our effort into Him, when we sow all of our time into and seeking Him, and just going after Him, even if it means that we're sowing our yearnings and our growings, listen, we will reap something extraordinary. Some of us are so good at sowing into our stock, sowing into our programs, our careers, whatever we’re into - and we sweat, we stay up late, we research, we do whatever it takes, but what about God? What about the Spirit of the Lord? See in my own life, I have to be so honest. I never truly began to reap the goodness of God's blessings until I learned to sow by crying out. Until I learned what it meant to shed tears for God. Tears of repentance. Tears of the fact that, ‘God, You're not being glorified!’ Tears of the fact that, ‘Father, if You don’t come, if You don’t touch us, our families will perish and we will go on without You!’ Beginning to sow and to plant, and it wasn't until those moments where, hallelujah, God began to bring a blessing! God began to pour out His glory!
The Word of the Lord says that, “Those who sow in tears, they will reap a rejoicing.” They will reap the joy of the Lord. I praise God today that I can share in the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ! I can share in the joy with my family! I can share in the joy with my friends!
See, we all know how to sow in our lives. Maybe some of us sow into our education, hoping to reap, right, a degree or a successful career. Some of us know how to sow into our practice for whatever sport so that we can be the best on the team. We can go on and on and on, but I'm looking for the expert who is an expert at sowing to something so much bigger. I'm looking for the heart that is set on a harvest that will not pass away, on reaping something that’s gonna be destroyed by the dust and the moth, [like] the treasures of this world. But somebody that is looking for a harvest to reap the glory of Christ in me, the hope of glory! The presence of the Lord looking to reap God's power moving in our home, looking to reap God's power moving in our children. Is there anybody in the house of the Lord today!
God calls us to sow into the Spirit. I pray today that our prayers would begin to shift, saying, “Father, teach me. Teach me what it means to sow. Let me have a change of direction. Father, empower me to sow into the Kingdom of God. Empower me to turn away from every other thing that I’ve just put my time into that just doesn't matter eternally. Things that are one day going to pass away. Things that are one day never going to make a difference in our lives and to come into the Kingdom of God!”
The everlasting Kingdom where we sow into the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ and we reap that everlasting life. That life that not only brings us into Heaven but right now, experiencing God's goodness. Experiencing deliverance from hell, experiencing deliverance from demonic power, reaping deliverance from all the things that one day held us and now coming into the goodness of God. Church, will we sow in the Spirit?
Lastly, in order to sow into the Kingdom of God, we must understand that there will be a harvest. Let’s look at verse 9. It says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Let us not cease to do good. Let us not cease to sow. That's what He’s saying. Let's keep going. Let's keep going, let’s keep persevering and if we do not give up, there will be a reward. A reward of a harvest. See, harvest time is coming.
Harvest time is where everything is now revealed that's been sown. Everything that's been buried in the ground that you might've not seen for a little bit of time, is about to come through, right? We’re about to see what we’ve planted. What was what was planted is about to grow and come to fruition. What will it look like? What will it be? Will it be large? Will it be great? Will there be many? Will there be few? See, harvest time is here and we have to look at our life to see what's been planted.
Is there transformation in us because we decided to take God serious when He said to sow into the Kingdom? That we decided to seek Him with all of our heart and our soul? Or do we find emptiness? Are we about to reap an absence of His presence because we've only decided to sow laziness? We've only decided to sow, you know, ‘I'll deal with God later, I’ll kinda do my own thing. Go my own way and ignore His Word?’ Understand church, this is the time of the harvest.
Now harvest time is joyful for many, but for some it's also terrifying. What's been buried in our heart, what's been sown right here in our soul is about to be revealed. Now Jesus said, when speaking about the farmer who spread seed, he said, ‘some seed would produce some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times more what was planted.’
You see, when seeds are planted, they are multiplied. Whatever we have sown will soon be multiplied. We are about to reap something large, whatever it may be. For some of us, we are about to harvest a blessing, because you've decided and you’ve chosen that you were going to sow a sleepless night to be praying before God, because you decided to heed the Word of the Lord and say, “Father, I’m going to fast.” And you began to put away all the entertainment for a week, even began to move when it wasn't convenient. Hallelujah! Somebody is about to reap a harvest of the power of God!
For those of you when nobody else was around, for those of you who began to sow something, even when you weren’t told to do it but you said, “Lord, I want to give this extra hour to You. I want to give this to You Lord. I believe it in my heart.” Because you’ve sown, you are about to receive a multiplication of His goodness in your family. A multiplication of His goodness in your life. A multiplication of the blessings upon blessings of blessings on those who seek the Lord!
"God is looking for us to reap His goodness in our lives. He wants us to reap His power! But will we turn?!"But still, if you’ve sown a whole lot of, you know, ‘God, not right now, maybe later...’, if we’ve sown apathy, just kind of going about our own lives, we will reap emptiness. We will reap an emptiness of the Spirit because we've not chosen to sow into the things of God. Sadly, we will reap the empty life that the Lord Jesus died to save us from. That is not His will for His church today. See, God is just, and we cannot expect not to sow into His Word and reap the goodness of God. If that be us today church, may we stop. May we stop for a moment and turn back to God, and repent and say, “Father listen, I've invested in so much but not Your Kingdom. Father, even this day, can You have mercy? Father, I see that I’ve given into the flesh. I’ve seen that I’ve given into this world, I’ve given my job, I’ve given my boss, even my children more than You! God today will You have mercy!”
God’s desire is not that we reap and perish - darkness and wickedness. God is looking for us to reap His goodness in our lives. He wants us to reap His power! But will we turn?
See, the harvest time comes with a reward. Now I know I’ve spoken about this before but we live in such a day where everybody wants to just get what they want and get going. We live in a quick paced world, and the idea of sowing and waiting upon the harvest is just so far from our culture, right? But it is never to be far from the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's never meant for us to be in the church where we kind of decide, ‘You know, Lord, I feel the call. I’ll sow just a little bit.’ But because we don’t see something happening right away, we back up and we sort of just move onto the next thing, never walking by faith. Never remembering that we reap what we sow and sometimes, we just wait upon the Lord. Never remembering that God sees and knows, and sadly, we miss out on reaping on the things that God has intended for our lives.
But see, he says the harvest, the reward, will come. Do not give up. Do not. I know somebody hears that today. God says, ‘Do not give up. Keep going. Keep pushing. Keep praying. Don’t stop. You sow, you sow, you sow and you are about to reap a harvest of the goodness of God!’
See, we don't always see the results right away but we also don’t live by sight. We live by faith, hallelujah! We are those who persevere to the end and those who persevere, the Word of the Lord says, those who hold onto the end, they will be seated with God in victory. See, that is our reward today. That is the harvest, to be seated with the living God. To be in His presence. To be with Him and to reap a harvest of His joy! To reap a harvest of the power of God!
See, if we sow our lives into Jesus, if we sow our lives into the Lord, we also reap His life. If we sow into the Lord, we reap His life. The harvest of the Lord is a reward of our perseverance in following Him. It's the result of holding on, walking in His ways, where you’ve planted those tears of repentance and now you're about to reap a harvest of a true relationship with Him. A relationship that no man can touch or take away. Something that only God can bring and that God will sustain.
You’ve sown prayers where now you're about to reap a multitude of that seed spreading where men and women, I believe, are going to walk through these doors because somebody decided to sow their lives into building the Kingdom of God. We are about to reap something great!
And so, the report is coming, church. Sow, he says. Keep sowing. Do not give up. If you don't see it, praise God! Hallelujah! We will praise Him in the process! We will keep planting in the process, and we will keep going!
See, there’s a special time for the harvest of God. He says that in due time, the harvest is going to come. In due time. See, there is a timing of God. In this time of harvesting, the one thing we must look at, is will this be our last? Now listen, I don't know in this time of harvest if it will be our last, but God's timing is perfect, I do know that. And His timing, being so perfect, will be a timing where He's readying His people to come into the greatest harvest ever in history. But see, when will He choose for that last harvest? Will this be the last day for some of us? The last chance to reap the life of God? It could be today. It could be this season. Now, one thing I know is that we will not be here forever. The Word of the Lord makes so clear that we are not promised tomorrow. I am not promised tomorrow and for us to live as though we are, is to live just in our own arrogance and denial of the truth. But right now, today, He says, is the day of salvation.
Today is the day of salvation, not just to go to Heaven but to be saved from a wicked life of sowing into everything else but God. To be saved from a wicked life of sowing into the devil, sowing into this world, sowing into our flesh - everything that just does not matter. See, if we choose to continue in this day, we will reap destruction whether it be in this life or in the life to come. This is serious, church. This is serious. In due time, we will harvest exactly what we have planted. We will harvest exactly what we have sown. Will it be in the Kingdom of God or will it be in the kingdom of darkness?
"What is the harvest of God? It is that which is so precious to Him: His people."God calls us to wake up. Wake up and to take a look! The harvest is here. Today is the day. What will it be for you? What will it be for me? Will we heed the warnings of God? Will each of us today take and examine exactly what we sown in our lives so that we would be ready for that great and final day? Maybe it will be today but maybe the Lord will take me home - I don't know - but whatever it may be, whatever come first, will you be ready?
See, there is a time when God will return in all of His glory to the Earth for a great harvest to collect His fruit. What is the fruit of God? What is the harvest of God? It is that which is so precious to Him: His people. That is the harvest. God is ready and getting ready to harvest those who have yielded fruit. Yielded Godliness before God. Yielded righteousness because they trusted in His Name. Because they decided that the world, the flesh, everything else, all the other gimmicks that we get into, it's just not worth sowing our lives into, but the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords hallelujah! Jesus, You are worthy! You are worthy to be praised! You are worthy to be followed! You are worthy for me to put it all in! It's harvest time, I truly believe it. What have we sown? What will we continue to sow?